3 Llibres trobats

Jager, Eric

En 1386, pocos días después de Navidad, se celebró en un monasterio de Parí un juicio por combate. En este ensayo, basado en fuentes primarias y narrado con el pulso de una novela, Eric Jager da vida a una EdadMedia colorida y turbulenta. Esta obra es al tiempo un relato apasionante y una investigación absorbente sobre la justicia, el honor y la situación de la mujeren la Edad Media.
14,90€ 14,15€
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Jager, Eric

En este ensayo, narrado con el pulso de una novela, Eric Jager, especialista en literatura medieval, da vida a una Edad Media colorida y turbulenta y a tres personajes inolvidables que se vieron atrapados en un triángulo de intrigas, crímenes, escándalos y venganza. Un relato apasionante y una investigación absorbente sobre la justicia, el honor y la situación de la mujer en la Edad Media.
21,90€ 20,80€
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Jager, Eric

In the midst of the devastating Hundred Years' War between France and England, Jean de Carrouges, a Norman knight fresh from combat in Scotland, returns home to yet another deadly threat. His wife, Marguerite, has accused squire Jacques Le Gris of rape. A deadlocked court decrees a ''trial by combat'' between the two men that also leaves Marguerite's fate in the balance. For if her husband loses the duel, she will be put to death as a false accuser.While enemy troops pillage the land, and rebellion and plague threaten the lives of all, Carrouges and Le Gris meet in full armor on a walled field in Paris. What follows is a fierce duel, the final one sanctioned by governing powers, before a massive crowd that includes the teenage King Charles VI, during which both combatants are wounded--but only one fatally.Based on extensive research in Normandy and Paris, The Last Duel brings to life a colorful, turbulent age and three unforgettable characters caught in a fatal triangle of crime, scandal, and revenge. The Last Duel is at once a moving human drama, a captivating true crime story, and an engrossing work of historical intrigue with themes that echo powerfully centuries later.
17,35€ 16,48€
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