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The Pearson Vocational English series meets the English language needs of learners in a range of specialisations. English for the Oil Industry combines a strong grammar syllabus with the specialist vocabulary students need to succeed in this area. It contains topics that reflect the latest developments in the field making it immediately relevant to students&#x02019, needs. Each title contains a CD-ROM with interactive glossaries in both British and American English and thecomplete course book audio in MP3 format. Level 1: CEF level A1 to A2
Preu Soci 34,01€
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OUP ORI2 Stop The Machine/16
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Preu Soci 10,51€
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Story 1 Can you see a king? page 1 at, box, a, queen(a, t, b, o, x, qu, ee, n) / page 2 can, see, a, king, sheep (c, a, n, s, ee, k, i, ng, sh, p) / page 3 a,sheep, queen (a, sh, ee, p, qu, n) / page 4 can, see, king, chick (c, a, n, s, ee, k, i, ng, ch) / page 5a, chick, sheep (a, ch, i, k, sh, ee, p) / page 6 can, see, a, king (c, a, n, s, ee, k, i, ng) / page 8 thank, king (th, a, n, k, i, ng) Tricky words: Archie,here, you, no, I?m Characters from Archie?s World: Robot, Doll, Ted, Little Bear, Dino, Archie Story 2 Go, fox, go page 1 a, star, moon, look, at, trees (a, s, t, ar, m, oo, n, l, k, a, r, ee) / page 2 look, at,card, it?s night, in, woods (l, oo, k, a, t, c, ar,d, i, s, n, igh, w) / page 3 a, boat, and, cat, shark(a, b, oa, t, n, d, c, sh, ar , k) / page 4 look, at, card, teeth (l, oo, k, a, t, c, ar, d, t, ee, th) /page 5 jump, cow, run, chick (j, u, m, p, c, ow, r,n, ch, i ,k) / page 6 look, at, card, its, a, farm, fox (l, oo, k, a, t, c, ar, d, i, s, f, m, o, x) / page 7 look, at, fox, boots, a, hat, coat (l, oo, k, a,t, f, o, x, b, s, h, c, oa) / page 8 a, car, fox (a,c, ar, f, o, x) Tricky words: the, here?s, my, go Characters from Archie?s World: Dino, Archie, Little Bear, Brother Mouse, Sister Mouse Story 3 The bad goat page 1 it?s, spring (i, t, s, p, r, ng) / page 2 now,its, summer, can, see, flower, yes (n, ow, i, t, s, u, m, er, c, a, ee, f, l, y, e) / page 3 can, hear, bee, yes, look, a, goat (c, a, n, h, ear, b, ee, y, e,s, l, oo, k, g, oa, t) / page 4 goat, can, hear (g, oa, t, c, a, n, h, ear) / page 5 goodnight, goat (g, oo, d, n, igh, t, oa) / page 6 look, at, goat, sad (l,oo, k, a, t, g, oa, s, d) / page 7 can, help, and (c, a, n, h, e, l, p, d) / page 8 Ted, asleep (t, e, d,a, s, l, ee, p) Tricky words: go, here?s, Archie, the, you, there?s, me, no, is, I
Preu Soci 13,64€
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Preu Soci 5,70€
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Ideal for elementary learners of English looking to improve and practise their English. The book is filled with useful vocabulary that is carefully graded and easy to understand, it also comes with audio, so that you can listen to the story at the same ti
Preu Soci 12,65€
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Preu Soci 5,70€
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The empty centre of Australia. The sun is hot and there are not many people. And when Bill meets a man, alone, standing on an emptyroad a long way from anywhere, he is surprised and worried. And Bill is right to be worried. Because there is something str
Preu Soci 8,60€
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VVF CN Fables
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Preu Soci 8,45€
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BUR BIR A1+ Canterville Ghost
Preu Soci 9,74€
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OUP OBL3 Long White Cloud/18
Preu Soci 10,80€
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VV LBR Peter Rabbit Goes Island/AB
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Preu Soci 8,82€
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OUP OBF1 John Lennon/16
Preu Soci 9,63€
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OUP CT3 The Sword In The Stone 2E/16
Preu Soci 8,91€
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HBL TTD Year Without Mum
Preu Soci 11,68€
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Preu Soci 6,98€
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HNL Our World 1/+ABC book
Preu Soci 28,93€
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OUP CT4 Don Quixote/AB
Preu Soci 3,78€
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COR Simply Business B1/+CD-DVD
Preu Soci 31,06€
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OUP OBL4 Gulliver's Travels/16
Preu Soci 10,80€
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Preu Soci 6,17€
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