Using Prepositions Exercises


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Productes més venuts de Gramàtiques i vocabulari


OUP Practice Grammar BAS
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Preu Soci 40,37€
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La cuarta edición de Essential Grammar in Use conserva las características principales de claridad y facilidad de uso que han dado tanta popularidad al libro tanto entre los alumnos como entre los profesores. Unnuevo y renovado diseño, con ejemplos revisados y actualizados, hacen que el libro sea incluso más accesible. Por primera vez, el libro impreso también está disponible con una versión en eBook, ideal para los alumnos que quieren flexibilidad para estudiar con contenido impreso y digital. Diseñada para ser flexible, la cuarta edición está disponible con y sin respuestas, de modo que es ideal para el autoestudio, pero también es adecuada para reforzar el trabajo en la clase.
Preu Soci 37,90€
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Pearson Alhambra

Something new has come that will change the way your students learn, practice and remember grammar.
Preu Soci 50,44€
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Preu Soci 55,58€
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Preu Soci 23,00€
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Cambridge University Press

Grammar and Vocabulary reference and practice for therevised Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) from 2015Cambridge Grammar for CAE and Proficiency provides complete coverage of the grammar needed for both CAE and Proficiency with plenty of exam practice at the same time. Grammar is presented in a listening context giving students the chance to hear it being used in realistic situations and making it easier to remember.It includes the full range of exam tasks from the Reading, Writing and Listening papers and shows how grammar knowledge is tested in each of these. Informed bythe Cambridge Learner Corpus, grammar is presented in genuine contexts and the book covers the errors students really make.
Preu Soci 41,70€
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Academic Vocabulary in Use Second Edition is the perfect study aid for anyone using English for their academic work. Ideal for students of any discipline, thissecond edition has been updated to reflect changes in education, technology and communications, includesa selection of new reading passages, and is now in full colour. 50 easy-to-use, two-page units give clearexplanations of new vocabulary, along with a varietyof practice exercises. A comprehensive answer key, and phonemic transcriptions to help with pronunciation,make it perfect for self-study as well as for use inthe classroom. This book is designed for students atgood intermediate level and above, and is also useful for those preparing for IELTS and university entrance examinations.
Preu Soci 36,95€
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The world's best-selling grammar series for learnersof English. To accompany Essential Grammar in Use Fourth edition, Essential Grammar in Use Supplementary Exercises provides elementary-level learners with extra practice of the grammar covered in the main book. The easy-to-follow exercises and full answer key makethis supplementary book ideal for independent study.Extra activities for Essential Grammar in Use are also available as a mobile app for smartphones and tablet devices, available to purchase separately from theApp Store (iOS) and Google Play (Android).
Preu Soci 25,55€
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Quadern English Bridge 6º Primaria recomanat per Anglès per al curs de 6è Primària amb una edat recomanada de 11 a 12 anys. Es un quadern de la editorial Arcada, editat l’any 2015 amb el codi EAN 9788478875924. En aquest cas es tracta d'un quadern en format paper en Anglès Britanic.
Preu Soci 2,85€
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Quadern English Bridge 2º Primaria recomanat per Anglès per al curs de 2n Primària amb una edat recomanada de 7 a 8 anys. Es un quadern de la editorial Arcada, editat l’any 2013 amb el codi EAN 9788478875887. En aquest cas es tracta d'un quadern en format paper en Anglès Britanic.
Preu Soci 2,85€
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Detalls del producte

Tipus de producte: Llibre
Idioma: Anglès
EAN: 9788478733255
Referència Abacus: 138022.71
Editorial: Stanley Text

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Using Prepositions Exercises

Using Prepositions Exercises


Preu Soci 14,25€
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