3 Llibres trobats

Ehrhard, Dominique

Un llibre format per 95 peces de cartró per acoblar i construir fins a l’infinit. 15 originals estructures per reproduir amb les instruccions de muntatge. Un joc de construcció per aprendre sobre la creació arquitectònica.
21,00€ 19,95€
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Ehrhard, Dominique

Un libro formado por 95 piezas de cartón para ensamblar y construirhasta el infinito. 15 originales estructuras que se pueden reproducirgracias a las instrucciones de montaje.Un juego de construcción para aprender sobre la creación arquitectónica.
21,00€ 19,95€
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Ehrhard, Dominique

The newest pop-up book from renowned paper engineer Dominique Ehrhard artfully traces two centuries of bicycling history and lore, Perfect for seasoned bikeaholics and budding pedal-pushers alike, this brief, whimsical history of the bicycle features eight meticulously crafted pop-up scenes. There's Karl Drais' 1817 invention that featured two wheels and little else to propel it, how technical advances at the end of the 19th century saw an upsurge in the popularity of bicycling among women, we see the first mountain bikes from the Klunkerz of California and Coloarado, and a scene from the Tour de France, From high-wheelers to hipsters on wheels, Dominique Ehrhard offers glimpses of biking trends that flickered briefly and flamed out and others that have stood the test of time, As biking grows in popularity as a climate-friendly alternative to the automobile, this gem of a book is a perfect keepsake for bike-lovers of all ages,
18,95€ 18,00€
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