2 Llibres trobats

Edelstein, Simon

Sometimes, on a street corner, a forgotten but flamboyant façade recalls past glories. It's there to remind everyone that cinema is immortal.The packed audiences of darkened cinema rooms are no more. People are gradually drifting back home to lounge in front of a multitude of online platforms, far less expensive than a trip to the picture palace. Habits have changed... the cinema is no longer a world of magic.Movie theatres have lost their splendour, often pushed into the suburbs and choked left and right by fast-food chains as if they were ashamed to exist at all.
39,95€ 37,95€
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Edelstein, Simon

Simon Edelstein recorre el mundo desde hace doce años tras las huellas de los cines abandonados en EE. UU., Francia, Italia, India, Marruecos, Cuba$÷ Ha estado en más de treinta países, callejeando por los lejanos barrios de numerosas ciudades para enco
39,95€ 37,95€
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