2 Llibres trobats

Rudo, Marcy

La majoria de nois i noies saben que no són els millors jugant a futbol, bellugant-se per la xarxa, tenint cura d ´un jardí o participant en concursos de lletrejar. Però què passa quan sona la flauta ni que sigui per casualitat? En aquests tres contes pod
9,50€ 9,02€
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Rudo, Marcy

Marisa arrives at a new school with a secret, but what is most important to her is to be accepted by one set in the class, a group of friends who are greatly influenced by the bossy Isobel. When Marisa is accused of something she has not done and her secret turns into something problematic and difficult, only the friendship of the sensible Rachel and the affection of her lovely dog, Lady, enable her to keep going and overcome ill-treatment and injustice. A narrative which deals realistically with a problem which, unfortunately, affects a lot of youngsters.
10,90€ 10,35€
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