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Hollis, Rachel

¿HAS SOSPECHADO ALGUNA VEZ QUE TODO EL MUNDO SABE ACIA DÓNDE VA Y QUE TÚ NI TAN SIQUIERA TIENES UNAPISTA? SI ES ASÍ, RACHEL HOLLIS TIENE UNA COSA QUE DECIRTE: ¡Es mentira! Como fundadora de la web de estilo de vida TheChicSite.com y presidenta desu propia empresa de comunicación, Rachel Hollis ha desarrollado una inmensa comunidad online compartiendo trucos para vivir mejor mientras a la vez revelaba el desorden de su propia vida. Ahora, en este libro inspirador y desafiante, Rachel expone las veinte mentiras e ideas erróneas que tantas veces nos impiden vivir feliz y productivamente. Mentiras que nos contamos tanto a nosotros mismos, que ya ni las oímos.Escrito con una dolorosa honestidad y con unhumor sin miedo, Rachel desgrana y examina las falsedades que le hicieron sentirse sobrepasada y sin valor, además de revelar las estrategias prácticas que leayudaron a pasar página. En el proceso nos infunde valor, nos entretiene e incluso nos zarandea de vez encuando, para convencernos de hacer todo lo que sea necesario para ser quienes realmente somos y así convertirnos en las mujeres felices y seguras de nosotras mismas que estamos destinadas a ser.
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Hollis, Rachel

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Hollis, Rachel

Fear. Grief. Loss. Betrayal. Rachel Hollis has felt all those things, and she knows you have too. Now, she takes you to the other side.With her signature humor, heartfelt honesty, and intimate true-life stories, #1 New York Times bestselling author Rachel Hollis shows readers how to seize difficult moment for the learning experiences they are and the value and growth they provide.Rachel Hollis sees you. As the millions who read her #1 New York Times bestsellers Girl, Wash Your Face and Girl, Stop Apologizing, attend her RISE conferences and follow her on social media know, she also wants to see you transform.When it comes to the “hard seasons” of life—the death of a loved one, divorce, loss of a job—transformation seems impossible when grief and uncertainty dominate your days. Especially when, as Didn’t See that Coming reveals, no one asks to have their future completely rearranged for them. But, as Rachel writes, it is up to you how you come through your pain—you can come through changed for the better, having learned and grown, or stuck in place where your identity becomes rooted in what hurt you.To Rachel, a life well-lived is one of purpose, focused only on the essentials. This is a small book about big feelings: inspirational, aspirational, and an anchor that shows that darkness can co-exist with the beautiful.
21,65€ 20,57€
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