2 Libros encontrados

Laird, Elizabeth

Solomon es un muchacho etíope de once años. Le encanta correr y sueña con llegar a ser atleta y ganaruna medalla de oro. Cuando el abuelo le anuncia que se lo va a llevar a Adís Abeba, Solomon se siente muyafortunado. Pero cuando el anciano se d
9,50€ 9,02€
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Laird, Elizabeth

Oranges in No Man's Land brings Elizabeth Laird's emotional and gripping adventure to her next generation of fans. Since her father left Lebanon to find work and her mother tragically died in a shell attack, ten-year-old Ayesha has been living in the bomb-ravaged city of Beirut with her granny and her two younger brothers. The city has been torn in half by civil war and a desolate, dangerous no man's land divides the two sides. Only militiamen and tanks dare enter this deadly zone, but when Granny falls desperately ill, Ayesha sets off on a terrifying journey to reach a doctor living in enemy territory.
11,75€ 11,16€
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