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Libro del alumno para preparar el examen de Cambridge English: First, con modelos, consejos y estrategias. Con respuestas.
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Libro del alumno para preparar el examen de Cambridge English: First, con modelos, consejos y estrategias. Sin respuestas.
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Straight to Advanced es un método para la preparación del examen Cambridge Advanced. Libro del alumno con respuestas. Incluye un código de acceso a recursos adicionales online. Con respuestas.
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Rubio in English. Colours
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El método Rubio in English está organizado por áreas temáticas y semánticas, y van desde la palabra hasta la frase. El conjunto de los ejercicios contenidos en los cuadernos permitirán consolidar el aprendizaje de una manera autónoma.
3,90€ 3,70€
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OUP Skills World L&S 2/SB
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OUP Skills World L&S 3/SB
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Rubio in English. At School
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El método Rubio in English está organizado por áreas temáticas y semánticas, y van desde la palabra hasta la frase. El conjunto de los ejercicios contenidos en los cuadernos permitirán consolidar el aprendizaje de una manera autónoma.
3,90€ 3,70€
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Rubio in English. Numbers
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El método Rubio in English está organizado por áreas temáticas y semánticas, y van desde la palabra hasta la frase. El conjunto de los ejercicios contenidos en los cuadernos permitirán consolidar el aprendizaje de una manera autónoma.
3,90€ 3,70€
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Libro del alumno para preparar el examen de Cambridge English: Advanced, con modelos, consejos y estrategias. Sin respuestas.
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Cuaderno de actividades para preparar el examen de Cambridge English: Advanced, con modelos, consejos y estrategias. Sin respuestas.
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Juliana, Emain

Una herramienta muy útil que va un paso más adelantede anotar las lecturas del año y que te va a ayudar no solo a sistematizarlas sino que propone divertidosretos, también te ayudará a tener tus fichas completas, valoraciones, análisis de los personajes, citas importantes y reseñas. También te permitirá pensar detenidamente en aquellos elementos del texto que más hanllamado tu atención También puedes anotar las presentaciones y eventos literarios a lo que acudas, teneruna lista de libros pendientes y anotar tus autora/esfavoritas/os, también hemos incluido multitud de curiosidades sobre autoras/es, personajes literarios y mucha información sobre el mundo del libro, tanto en soporte físico como digital, así como un calendario defechas importantes y una zona donde podáis tener organizados vuestros marcadores.
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The Speak Now Student Book develops students' communication skills, enabling them to communicate confidently and effectively. Speak Now features fully integrated video every four lessons, with characters modelingreal-world language. The English in Action video clips help students to develop their listening and pronunciation skills, understand the importance of gestures and body language, and discuss culture and idioms.Set Online Practice activities as homework to practice the work you cover in class. Online Practice givesyour students the opportunity to improve their listening, speaking, and pronunciation skills outside class. Take advantage of the interactive teacher tools totrack your students' progress, see their grades, communicate with them and more. Speak and record practicemeans students can practice their pronunciation awayfrom the classroom. Students submit their speaking tasks. You can then mark them and give personalized feedback.
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The Speak Now Student Book develops students' communication skills, enabling them to communicate confidently and effectively. Speak Now features fully integrated video every four lessons, with characters modelingreal-world language. The English in Action video clips help students to develop their listening and pronunciation skills, understand the importance of gestures and body language, and discuss culture and idioms.Set Online Practice activities as homework to practice the work you cover in class. Online Practice givesyour students the opportunity to improve their listening, speaking, and pronunciation skills outside class. Take advantage of the interactive teacher tools totrack your students' progress, see their grades, communicate with them and more. Speak and record practicemeans students can practice their pronunciation awayfrom the classroom. Students submit their speaking tasks. You can then mark them and give personalized feedback,
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English Activities 15 Hi!
Avui -5% en Llibres


Quadern English Activities 15 Hi! recomanat per Anglès per al curs de Primària amb una edat recomanada de 6 a 12 anys. Es un quadern de la editorial Nadal, editat l’any 2011 amb el codi EAN 9788478874002. En aquest cas es tracta d'un quadern en format paper en Anglès Britanic.
2,50€ 2,37€
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Has afegit la quantitat màxima disponible.
The Speak Now Student Book develops students' communication skills, enabling them to communicate confidently and effectively. Speak Now features fully integrated video every four lessons, with characters modelingreal-world language. The English in Action video clips help students to develop their listening and pronunciation skills, understand the importance of gestures and body language, and discuss culture and idioms.Set Online Practice activities as homework to practice the work you cover in class. Online Practice givesyour students the opportunity to improve their listening, speaking, and pronunciation skills outside class. Take advantage of the interactive teacher tools totrack your students' progress, see their grades, communicate with them and more. Speak and record practicemeans students can practice their pronunciation awayfrom the classroom. Students submit their speaking tasks. You can then mark them and give personalized feedback,
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Has afegit la quantitat màxima disponible.
The Speak Now Student Book develops students' communication skills, enabling them to communicate confidently and effectively. Speak Now features fully integrated video every four lessons, with characters modelingreal-world language. The English in Action video clips help students to develop their listening and pronunciation skills, understand the importance of gestures and body language, and discuss culture and idioms.Set Online Practice activities as homework to practice the work you cover in class. Online Practice givesyour students the opportunity to improve their listening, speaking, and pronunciation skills outside class. Take advantage of the interactive teacher tools totrack your students' progress, see their grades, communicate with them and more. Speak and record practicemeans students can practice their pronunciation awayfrom the classroom. Students submit their speaking tasks. You can then mark them and give personalized feedback,
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