Guies de viatge

Descobreix la nostra selecció de llibres sobre turisme que et portaran a viatges fascinants i aventures emocionants des del confort del teu propi llar. Des de guies de viatge detallades fins a llibres d'inspiració per descobrir nous destins, trobaràs recursos per planificar les teves pròximes vacances, explorar llocs exòtics i aprendre sobre cultures diferents de tot el món.

Pirineu: 50 excursions als llacs més emblemàtics
-5% en Llibres

Longás, Jordi

2A EDICIÓ 50 EXCURSIONS PER DESCOBRIR MÉS DE 100 LLACS. La presència abundant de llacs fa dels Pirineus una alta muntanya especialment singular i diferenciada dels altres grans massissos del món. A mig camí entre els pobles i els alts cims pirinencs, els llacs ens conviden a la poesia, a la contemplació i a la silenciosa fusió amb el paisatge. Si temps enrere van ser font de llegendes, avui representen una bona excusa per al lleure i el senderisme, i atrauen des de l'alpinista més expert fins a l'explorador més novell. Amb les 50 excursions proposades en aquest llibre es poden visitar més de 100 llacs, els més bells de la nostra serralada reina, distribuïts d'est a oest. Mitjançant rutes en general fàcils, gairebé sempre per senders ben traçats, es visiten les principals zones lacustres, els llacs més emblemàtics i també alguns dels més recòndits.
18,90€ 17,95€
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-5% en Llibres


¡Bienvenido a Madeira! Planifica tu próximo viaje con las Guías Top 10 de DK: actualizadas, con mapas, itinerarios, fotografías e información práctica La Guía Top 10 de Madeira te muestra lo mejor en prácticos listados: las diez playas imprescindibles, las diez rutas de senderismo más bonitas o las diez actividades al aire libre más emocionantes. Organizada por zonas, la guía señala los lugares más destacados de cada una de ellas. Madeira es una isla única: rebosante de naturaleza y rodeada por el azul intenso del océano Atlántico. Visitalos parques y jardines, recorre una maravillosa ruta de senderismo y disfruta de uno de sus fantásticos vinos. Las Guías Top 10 ofrecen- Mapa desplegable - 44 destinos actualizados - Listas con los diez aspectos más relevantes - Itinerarios imprescindibles- Lugares menos conocidos - Consejos de expertos
12,95€ 12,30€
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Valles de Ultzama, Atetz y Basaburua
-5% en Llibres

Pérez Azaceta, Txusma

14,99€ 14,24€
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Rutas para conocer Galicia - Los mejores itinerarios en camper
-5% en Llibres
24,00€ 22,80€
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Soul of Barcelona 30 erlebnisse
-5% en Llibres

Péchiodat, Fany

olvida, Y esto es válido para la memoria privada y para la colectiva, si es que tal distinción tiene sentido. En Ya casi no me acuerdo, no lo tiene, En estos trece relatos viven el recuerdo de un amor no correspondido y el del superviviente de un campo de concentración, los ecos de las torturas franquistas y el de un perverso juego de infancia, el rostro borroso de un familiar fallecido hace décadas y el de un manifestante en la primera marcha LGTBIQ+, ¿Memoria histórica? Puede, ¿Pequeños traumas íntimos? Quizá,Lo personal y lo político se trenzan: cada proceso colectivo lleva consigo miles de recuerdos privados, y viceversa. Si estos relatos pudieran elegir ser otra cosa, elegirían ser fantasmas, Fantasmas tenebrosos y constantes, fantasmas que nos visitan por la noche y nos obligan a aceptar que no, que no hemos olvidado, Que quizá no queremos olvidar,
14,95€ 14,20€
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Soul of Barcelona 30 experiences
-5% en Llibres

Péchiodat, Fany

Groove to jazz on Gaudi's rooftops, taste tapas prepared by a grandmother who is inspiring all the young Spanish chefs, discover how to get to secret beach, sink your teeth into the ultimate churros, take a hot bath at a spa beneath the city ,,. Soul of Barcelona is written by Vincent Moustache and Fany Pechiodat, founder of My Little Paris, the influential newsletter-cum-lifestyle brand. You've seen Gaudi's cathedral and strolled along Las Ramblas so what's next? If you really want to experience the true essence of Barcelona today, where do you go? Soul of Barcelona is your guide to the best of what this city really is right now - and how it's evolving, Celebrating both the old and the new, we'll meet the guardians of the city's authentic heritage and talk with the bright young things who are building its future, we'll eat at hidden restaurants and explore the city's long-forgotten corners. Join us as we experience the soul of Barcelona together,
14,95€ 14,20€
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Wanderlust Europe
-5% en Llibres


From the temperate climes of the Spanish islands, over the Nordic fjords, and to the summit of alpine peaks, Wanderlust Europe points the reader in the direction of the continent’s most awe-inspiring routes. Offering expert knowledge on how best to experience nature’s majesty, this stimulating manual for hikers of all skill levels traverses far-reaching locales in pursuit of breathtaking beauty and a sense of freedom. Combining first-hand tips with informative maps and an array of spectacular photography, this book is a welcome addition to the Wanderlust series and for anyone with an urge to connect with the great outdoors.
45,00€ 42,75€
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Barcelona sense guiris
-5% en Llibres

García, Mónica

Es pot recórrer una Barcelona alternativa a la del bus turístic? A Barcelona sense guiris t’oferim la millor guia per fugir de les aglomeracions i perdre’s en la pròpia ciutat amb tot tipus de propostes: bars, restaurants, museus, racons amagats, botigues, passejades insòlites, mercats… Una geografia curiosa, més enllà del típic i del tòpic que s’ha de veure, i que sens dubte et sorprendrà.
12,00€ 11,40€
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Guia de Grècia II
-5% en Llibres


Com que Pausànias era un home d'una gran sensibilitat per la cultura en un sentit molt ampli, no solament gaudirem de la visió de les restes antigues dels monuments i del paisatge, sinó que, a més a més, tindrem l'oportunitat de fer un viatge per la història i de contextualitzar els llocs que visitem amb les dades de la mitologia i dels costums que van propiciar la seva configuració. La passió pel passat de Pausànias també ens pot encomanar el gust d'aprofundir en el coneixement d'un gran nombre de llegendes locals, algunes de les quals només les trobem en la seva obra. En aquest volum el lector té a la seva disposició mapes, plànols i arbres genealògics que faciliten la situació i la comprensió del gran ventall d'informació que ens proporciona l'autor, un home que admirava els llocs que visitava i estimava profundament i el passat llegendari i històric que d'una manera o altra el van conformar.
18,00€ 17,10€
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Secret Brussels
-5% en Llibres


A ‘love hotel’ where one can say a prayer, a stretch of the Senne reconstituted in Saint-Géry, a farm in the centre of the city, a Freemasonic reading of the Brussels Park, the amazing physiognomical fountain of Magritte, the place where the Tsar of Russia vomited at the park of Brussels in 1717, the former rotunda of Panorama parking, a tribute to the soldier pigeon, from speleology to The National Basilica of the Sacred Heart, a panoramic swimming pool, a scandalous pavilion in the park Cinquantenaire, a huge vegetable garden in Uccle, a 19th century artist’s studio in Schaerbeek, a campsite in the heart of the city, a garden forgotten in the Forest …For those who can observe, push the doors and exit beaten tracks, Brussels is full of curiosities and surprising details that will amaze its inhabitants as well as its visitors who thought they knew it well.
18,95€ 18,00€
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Secret Potsdam
-5% en Llibres

Roy, Manuel

A piece of the summit of Kilimanjaro at the New Palace, a swastika in Sanssouci Park, a remnant of the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair, the starry ceiling of a villa alluding to the Masonic setting of Mozart’s opera The Magic Flute, a spectacular Expressionist tomb, a stone that sings in the heart of the city, a copy of the music pavilion of one of King Louis XV’s mistresses, a luminous art installation under a bridge, a carved monkey from the Leaning Tower of Pisa, chimneys replicating those at Hampton Court in London, the esoteric passions of Emperor Frederick William II, a column to commemorate the death of a parrot, a tower to calculate the displacement of the Earth’s rotational axis, the last witness to the extraordinary epic of silk production in the Babelsberg district, a woman who disguised herself as a man to fight Napoleon, the spectacular hidden remains of Katharinenholz firing range, the forgotten mock-ups in Zeppelin Park …
19,95€ 18,95€
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Porto insight pocket guides
-5% en Llibres


Insight Pocket Guides: ideal itineraries and top travel tips in a pocket-sized package. Now with free eBook, and a pull-out map. Plan your trip, plan perfect days and discover how to get around - this pocket-sized guide is a convenient, quick-reference companion to discovering what to do and see in Porto, from top attractions to hidden gems. Compact, concise, and packed with essential information about Where to Go and What Do, this is an ideal on-the-move companion when you're exploring Porto.
10,85€ 10,31€
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Quiet Barcelona
-5% en Llibres


Quiet Barcelona is the next in a series committed to discovering quiet, intimate places in busiest cities in the world. Designed for both visitors and locals to enjoy, readers will find places off the beaten track, explore enticing museums, and enjoy peaceful gardens. Barcelona is a bustling city, but with a little guidance, explorers will find quiet places to relax, recuperate, have coffee and cake, and unwind. Quiet Barcelona includes 120 places to meet, drink, dine, sleep, read, or wander, each with an evocative photograph and short description.
19,90€ 18,90€
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Barcelona dk eyewitness top 10 travel guides
-5% en Llibres


With its compelling history, legendary architecture and incredible arts scene, Barcelona is a cultural heavyweight – and the perfect city break.Make the most of your trip to this bewitching city with DK Eyewitness Top 10. Planning is a breeze with our simple lists of ten, covering the very best that Barcelona has to offer and ensuring that you don’t miss a thing. Best of all, the pocket-friendly format is light and easily portable, the perfect companion while out and about.
12,75€ 12,11€
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Best of the world
-5% en Llibres


Discover your next great adventure in this beautifully illustrated guide to the world’s best travel destinations. From the ultimate hiking trails to the most scenic train rides, the most stunning coral reefs to the most epic mountain retreats, you’ll find 1,000 exceptional destinations to add to your travel bucket list!
39,75€ 37,76€
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Spain: the monocle handbook
-5% en Llibres


Discover Monocle's favourite places to stay, eat, shop and visit across Spain. Hot on the heels of Portugal: The Monocle Handbook, Monocle's latest title turns its focus to sunny Spain in the next of its country-specific books.
47,00€ 44,65€
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Barcelona 12th ed rough guide
-5% en Llibres


Enjoy the ultimate city break with the most incisive and entertaining guidebook on the market. Whether you plan on exploring the Sagrada Família, hitting the tapas trail in La Ribera or chilling out on one of the city's glorious beaches, this new edition of The Rough Guide to Barcelona will show you the ideal places to sleep, eat, drink, shop and visit along the way. Inside The Rough Guide to Barcelona - Independent, trusted reviews writtenwith Rough Guides' trademark blend of humour, honesty and insight, to help you get the most out of your visit. - Full-colour maps throughout and a handy city plan - navigate the back alleys of the Barri Gòtic or the Eixample's grid of modernista buildings without needing to get online. - Stunning, inspirational images - a rich collection of inspiring colour photography. - Things not to miss - Rough Guides' rundown of Barcelona's best sights and experiences. - Itineraries - carefully planned routes to help you organize your trip. - Detailed city coverage - whether visiting the big sights or venturing off the tourist trail, this travel guide has in-depth practical advice for every step of the way. Areas covered include: the Ramblas, the Barri Gòtic, El Raval, Sant Pere, La Ribera, Ciutadella, Barceloneta, Port Olímpic, Port Vell, Montjuïc, Dreta de l'Eixample, Esquerra de l'Exiample. Glòries, Gràcia, Parc Güel, Horta, Les Corts, Pedralbes, Sarrià-Sant Gervasi, Tibidabo, Pacr de Collserola. Attractions include: Sagrada Família, Casa Batlló, La Pedrera, Fundació Joan Miró, La Seu, Transbordador Aeri, La Bouqeria, Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya (MNAC), Museu Picasso, Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona (MACBA), Camp Nou. - Listings - honest and insightful reviews of all the best places to stay, eat, drink and shop, with options to suit every budget, along with the latest on Barcelona's clubs, live-music venues, theatres, galleries and LGBT scene, plus in-depth sections on the city's sports and outdoor activities, festivals and events, and children's attractions. - Basics - essential pre-departure practical information including getting there, local transport, the media, tourist information, entry requirements and more - Background information - a Contexts chapter devoted to history and books and with a handy language section covering Castilian (Spanish) and Catalan.
21,50€ 20,42€
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Andalucia insight explore guides
-5% en Llibres


Insight Explore Guides: pocket-sized books to inspire your on-foot exploration of top international destinations. Now with free eBook. Experience the best of Andalucía with this indispensably practical Insight Explore Guide. From making sure you don't miss out on must-see attractions like Seville, Granada and Marbella Old Town, to discovering hidden gems, including the Almeira Province, the easy-to-follow, ready-madewalking routes will help you plan your trip, save you time, and enhance you rexploration of this fascinating region.
13,80€ 13,11€
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Germany dk eyewitness back roads
-5% en Llibres


The DK Eyewitness Back Roads Germany driving holiday guide will take you via scenic routes to discover charming German villages, local restaurants and intimate places to stay. Unearth the real soul of Germany relying on all the practical information you could need, from road conditions and length of drive to parking information and opening hours. Twenty-four themed drives, each lasting one to six days, reveal breathtaking views, hidden gems and authentic local experiences in Germany that can only be discovered by road. Each tour is bursting with insider knowledge and loaded with ideas for varied activities from short walks to children's attractions to river-rafting.
22,00€ 20,90€
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Vancouver and vancouver island dk eyewitness top 10
-5% en Llibres


Beautifully situated between the ocean and picturesque mountains, Vancouver offers the cultural vibrancy of a modern metropolis, and the opportunity to enjoy the breathtaking rugged coastline and wilderness of nearby Vancouver Island.Make the most of your trip to this coastal city with DK Eyewitness Top 10. Planning is a breeze with our simple lists of ten, covering the very best that Vancouver and Vancouver Island have to offer and ensuring that you don’t miss a thing. Best of all, the pocket-friendly format is light and easily portable, the perfect companion while out and about. DK Eyewitness Top 10 Vancouver and Vancouver Island is your ticket to the trip of a lifetime.
13,25€ 12,59€
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St petersburg dk eyewitness top 10 travel guides
-5% en Llibres


DK Eyewitness Top 10 St Petersburg is essential in providing a reliable and useful pocket-sized travel. Whether it's the Top 10 museums and galleries, waterways and bridges, soviet landmarks, stunning cathedrals and churches, restaurants and cafes, the liveliest bars and clubs, the best hotels for every budget or the Top 10 places to shop, Top 10 St Petersburg has it all. Dozens of Top 10 lists are waiting to be explored. And to save you time and money, there's even a list of the Top 10 things to avoid! Explore every corner of this beautiful city with Top 10 St Petersburg and its free pull-out map. This is your guide to the 10 Best of Everything, in St Petersburg.
13,95€ 13,25€
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Lisbon like a local
-5% en Llibres


Portugal's captal is full of contrasts - the medieval Alfama quarter co-exists quite happily with avant-garde buildings, cafes, bars and night clubs. Close to the Arrabida mountains, this vibrant city should be a great place for a weekend break or longer stay, with this text as your guide.
19,25€ 18,29€
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Budapest dk eyewitness
-5% en Llibres


Whether you want to dance the Blue Danube waltz by the Bakony mountains or indulge in some traditional goulash in one of Budapest's buzzing restaurants, this guide should prove useful. Included are 3D models and cutaways and top tips on the best spas in which to relax and revitalize.
20,75€ 19,71€
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Beijing dk eyewitness top 10 travel guides
-5% en Llibres


A city of sublime contrasts, Beijing has ancient temples, winding Hutongs and the Forbidden city, as well as edgy art districts, futuristic architecture and trendy restaurants - all within a stones-throw of the awe-inspiring Great Wall of China. Your DK Eyewitness Top 10 travel guide ensures you'll find your way around Beijing with absolute ease.Our newly updated Top 10 travel guide breaks down the best of Beijing into helpful lists of ten - from our own selected highlights to the best museums, places to eat, shops and festivals.
13,95€ 13,25€
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Compra guies de viatge online

En aquesta secció trobaràs una selecció de les millors guies de viatge, plànols i llibres de rutes, editats pels principals referents de el sector, com LonelyPlanet, entre d'altres, perquè puguis recórrer el món a la teva manera, sense perdre't cap detall.

Disposem d'una gran varietat de guies de països, ciutats i regions dels cinc continents, com per exemple, de Suïssa, Islàndia, l'Argentina, el Japó, Panamà, Alemanya, Porto, Còrdova, Madrid, València, Marràqueix i Barcelona, entre molts altres.