Secundària (ESO)

Llibre de text de Carpeta Visual I Plàstica 4 Eso recomanat per l’assignatura de Visual i Plàstica per al curs de 4r ESO amb una edat de 15 a 16 anys. Es un llibre de text de la editorial Casals, editat l’any 2020 amb el codi EAN 9788421866597. En aquest cas es tracta d'un llibre en format paper en Català.
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Llibre de text de Religió Catòlica 3 Eso recomanat per l’assignatura de Religió Catòlica per al curs de 3r ESO amb una edat de 14 a 15 anys. Es un llibre de text de la editorial Casals, editat l’any 2019 amb el codi EAN 9788421866832. En aquest cas es tracta d'un llibre en format paper en Català.
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SANF S4 Parachute/Élève
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BUR BAR S4 Ghost Stories
Preu Soci 10,45€
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Llibre de text de Competéncias Básicas Comunicativa 3º Eso recomanat per l’assignatura de Competències Bàsiques per al curs de 3r ESO amb una edat de 14 a 15 anys. Es un llibre de text de la editorial Teide Text, editat l’any 2013 amb el codi EAN 9788430787975. En aquest cas es tracta d'un llibre en format paper en Castella.
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BUR BAR S4 A Convict's Tale
Preu Soci 10,45€
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SAN S4 Economía/Analiza/16
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BUR BAR S1 All About Australia
Preu Soci 9,74€
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Barcanova Text

BARC S4 Economia/16
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SANF S3 Parachute/Cahier pack
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KLETT S Klasse A1/AB
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One of the Ancient world's most well-known figures is brought back to life by this lively account of his career, life and times. Itincludes excerpts from real historical sources, as well as illustrations, a map and other interesting features, while also
Preu Soci 9,40€
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MARFIL S Mundo sonidos C/15
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SAN S1 Geography & History/SB+CD
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GP S4 Dibuix artístic-quadern/Crea/15
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BUR S1 Let's Go/SB/Spanish
Preu Soci 22,09€
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BUR S4 Burlington Action/Basic/WB SPA
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Smart Planet is a secondary-level course which appeals to students' curiosity about the world around them.Stimulating materials complemented by fascinating videos from Discovery Education help bring classes to life and are the ideal starting point for successful language learning. The course also includes special sections for Spanish-speaking learners. Recordings forthe Listening exercises are found on the Class AudioCDs, available separately.
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Smart Planet is a secondary-level course which appeals to students' curiosity about the world around them.Stimulating materials complemented by fascinating videos from Discovery Education help bring classes to life and are the ideal starting point for successful language learning. The Workbook provides complete practice of all the vocabulary and grammar from the Student's Book with graded activities catering for mixed-ability classes. The Workbook also contains extra listening activities for self-study practice with onlineMP3 audio files. English and Catalan editions of thisWorkbook are also available.
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Smart Planet is a secondary-level course which appeals to students' curiosity about the world around them.Stimulating materials complemented by fascinating videos from Discovery Education help bring classes to life and are the ideal starting point for successful language learning. The course also includes special sections for Spanish-speaking learners. Recordings forthe Listening exercises are found on the Class AudioCDs, available separately.
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GP S3 Biologia i geologia-Avança/15
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BUR S2 New Action/WB
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BURC S3 New Action/WB
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BURC S1 Burlington Action/Basic/WB CAT
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