Llibres d'exàmens d'anglès

Prepara't amb èxit per als teus exàmens oficials d'anglès amb la nostra selecció de llibres especialitzats. Des de preparació per als exàmens Cambridge English, com el First Certificate (FCE) o el Certificate in Advanced English (CAE), fins als exàmens TOEFL i IELTS, oferim una gamma de materials exhaustius que cobreixen les diferents seccions de cada examen. Amb proves pràctiques, estratègies d'examen i exercicis específics, aquests llibres et proporcionaran la confiança i les habilitats necessàries per assolir els teus objectius d'avaluació lingüística.

Preu Soci 37,31€
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Preu Soci 41,56€
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PEAR Expert Advanced 3E/SB+Key
Preu Soci 30,83€
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Preu Soci 38,75€
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Preu Soci 30,83€
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STANLEY English/Tests C1
Preu Soci 11,35€
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Los documentos de examen autΘnticos de Cambridge Assessment English proporcionan una prßctica perfecta porque son EXACTAMENTE como el examen real. Dentro del B1 Preliminary for Schools 1 para el examen revisado de 2020 encontrarß cuatro exßmenes completos de Cambridge Assessment English. Confφe en el dφa del examen analizando cada parte del sistema de calificaci≤n y examen para que pueda familiarizarse con el formato y practicar la tΘcnica de examen. El libro contiene unaclave de respuestas completa, transcripciones, ejemplos de respuestas de escritura, scripts para la pruebade expresi≤n oral, hojas de respuestas de muestra yaudio para el material de escucha. Use el c≤digo de acceso en la portada interior para descargar el audiopara las pruebas de Escucha.
Preu Soci 34,56€
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Gold New Edition follows the same approach as previous editions but has been revised and updated followingextensive research with users throughout the world.What's NEW in Gold? 50% new content: with many new readings and listening, as well as new visuals. Inreased difficulty level: for reading and listening to match the level of the Cambridge First exam. Presenting and practicing grammar: more detailed, thorough approach. Full practice test: in the coursebook, and threemore to download. More testing & practicing opportunities Functional improvements Teacher feedback: all changes have been initiated by usersÊ feedback and validated by teachers It helps teachers to deliver stimulating, discussion-rich lessons with focused exam preparation. Each level of the series offers a strong emphasis on communicative practice and the development of natural speaking skills to build student confidencefor exams and beyond.
Preu Soci 29,97€
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Preu Soci 47,50€
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PEAR Gold First 14/CB+Online audio
Preu Soci 51,96€
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The most engaging experience in teaching Cambridge exams to teens.Gold Experience 2nd Edition is a new edition of the fast-paced course that motivates studentsto build the language and skills they need in the classroom, exams and the world beyond school. Eight-level course for teenagers preparing for Cambridge English exams for Schools.Suitable for students from Beginner (A1) to Advanced (C1). British English Topics relevant to teenagers help students bring their own experience to lessons, and learn about the wider world
Preu Soci 22,66€
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PEAR Expert ADV 3E/CB+MyLab+CD
Preu Soci 50,49€
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Preu Soci 26,08€
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¡Llevándote más lejos! Open World lleva a los estudiantes más allá de los límites entre la preparación de exámenes y el lenguaje del mundo real, preparando a los alumnos para el B1 Preliminar. El libro de trabajo con respuestas consolida y amplía el lenguaje y las habilidades de examen que se tratan en el Libro de estudiantes de Open World e incluye audio descargable para las actividades de escucha.
Preu Soci 24,71€
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Preu Soci 37,80€
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Fast-paced course that motivates students to build language and skills for the classroom, exams and the world.
Preu Soci 41,56€
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Preu Soci 57,06€
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This invaluable little book highlights the real mistakes that students make in the exam - and shows how to avoid them. Based on analysis of thousands of exam scripts, each unit targets a key problem area. Clear explanations and exercises help students to
Preu Soci 14,44€
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PEAR Expert Proficiency/SB resource book
Preu Soci 30,83€
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STANLEY English/Tests A2
Preu Soci 11,35€
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Gold: British English | 4 levels Gold takes studentsfrom Preliminary to Advanced level, helping build their confidence and develop natural speaking skills inEnglish every step of the way.
Preu Soci 29,97€
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COL Practice tests Movers
Preu Soci 21,85€
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