Llibres d'exàmens d'anglès

Prepara't amb èxit per als teus exàmens oficials d'anglès amb la nostra selecció de llibres especialitzats. Des de preparació per als exàmens Cambridge English, com el First Certificate (FCE) o el Certificate in Advanced English (CAE), fins als exàmens TOEFL i IELTS, oferim una gamma de materials exhaustius que cobreixen les diferents seccions de cada examen. Amb proves pràctiques, estratègies d'examen i exercicis específics, aquests llibres et proporcionaran la confiança i les habilitats necessàries per assolir els teus objectius d'avaluació lingüística.

Preu Soci 26,08€
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Preu Soci 26,06€
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VV BC Total FCE/SB+Lang max.+CD
Preu Soci 40,66€
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La preparaci≤n mßs autΘntica para Cambridge English Business Certificates disponible en el mercado ofrececuatro modelos de examen completos. Ayuda a conocer el formato de la prueba y familiarizarse con el tipo de ejercicios.
Preu Soci 33,15€
Esgotat ara
Has afegit la quantitat màxima disponible.
SCHO T Practice Tests&Tips First/+CD(2)
Preu Soci 42,75€
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Gold Experience is a fast-paced course that engages and motivates teenagers with its wide variety of contemporary topics.¦ Contexts such as the internet, social media and television are relevant to students' lives and content-rich CLIL subjects help students learnabout the world.
Preu Soci 22,18€
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VV Pass Trinity Now 1-2/SB+CDR
Preu Soci 16,05€
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ELI PET Buster/TRB Pack
Preu Soci 18,95€
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Libreta con contenidos para preparar exßmenes oficiales.
Preu Soci 44,33€
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SCHO T IELTS B1 B2/Writing
Preu Soci 40,37€
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GLOB Preparing Trinity-ISE/SS
Preu Soci 32,58€
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Your complete grammar and vocabulary package for Cambridge First preparation. - Extensive reference and practice for both grammar and vocabulary. - New texts and topics make it the complete resource for studentspreparing for Cambridge First. - New edition offers access to Longman Dictionaries Online providing students with extra vocabulary reference and support.
Preu Soci 34,58€
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Estos examenes autΘnticos de Cambridge Assessment English proporcionan una prßctica perfecta porque son EXACTAMENTE como el examen real. Dentro de A2 Key 1 para el examen revisado de 2020 encontrarß cuatro exßmenes completos de Cambridge Assessment English. Confφeen el dφa del examen analizando cada parte del sistema de calificaci≤n y examen para que pueda familiarizarse con el formato y practicar la tΘcnica de examen.El libro contiene una clave de respuestas completa, transcripciones, ejemplos de respuestas de escritura,scripts para la prueba de expresi≤n oral, hojas de respuestas de muestra y audio para el material de escucha. Use el c≤digo de acceso en la portada interior para descargar el audio para las pruebas de Escucha.
Preu Soci 35,01€
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EP Succesful Writing PROF/Student's
Preu Soci 26,88€
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BUR Update for FCE/Student's
Preu Soci 35,58€
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Preu Soci 17,57€
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Practice Tests Plus Practice Tests Plus familiarise learners with the task types, question formats and style of the test papers.Practice Tests Plus provide focused exam training to familiarise learners with the task types, question formats and style of the Cambridge Exam test papers. Key features: 100% in line with current Cambridge exams requirements, including 2020 exam Exam overview provides detailed information abouteach paper Guidance activities increase awareness about what each part of the exam is testing and scaffold the studentsÊ experience Tip strips provide strategies and hints on where to look and what to look for when responding to a question Grammar bank provides language input, support and practice on some key structures for the level Speaking bank provides useful language and extra practice for each part of the speakingtest Writing bank provides model answers, useful language and extra input to support the writing paper Speaking test video allows students to see how the speaking test is carried out Examiner feedback video aimsto highlight strengths and areas for improvement About the exam video gives information for the exam
Preu Soci 23,08€
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PEAR Prac. Tests Plus PET 1 2E/SB pack
Preu Soci 34,58€
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Essential BULATS is for anyone preparing to take theBULATS test (Business Language Testing Service) and can be used at home or in class. The book is organisedby paper type and covers all parts of the BULATS test. Practice material prepares students for each partof the test, and this is followed by a sample practice test section from Cambridge ESOL which offers the most authentic test preparation available.
Preu Soci 36,00€
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GLOB Successful CAE 10 Tests/TB
Preu Soci 24,22€
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Preu Soci 50,49€
Esgotat ara
Has afegit la quantitat màxima disponible.
GLOB Simply CAE 8 tests/SS+CD
Preu Soci 31,11€
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La preparaci≤n mßs autΘntica para Cambridge English Business Certificates disponible en el mercado ofrececuatro modelos de examen completos. Ayuda a conocer el formato de la prueba y familiarizarse con el tipo de ejercicios.
Preu Soci 33,15€
Esgotat ara
Has afegit la quantitat màxima disponible.
HNL Spotlight on First/CD
Preu Soci 43,79€
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