Llibres de gramàtica i vocabulari en anglès

Explora els fonaments de la llengua anglesa amb la nostra selecció de llibres sobre gramàtica i vocabulari. Des de les bases fonamentals fins a les complexitats més avançades, els nostres llibres ofereixen una guia completa per entendre i dominar la gramàtica i el vocabulari de l'anglès. Amb explicacions clares, exemples pràctics i exercicis integrats, aquests llibres et proporcionen les eines necessàries per millorar la teva comprensió i expressió en anglès.

Preu Soci 29,48€
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False friends en inglΘs que deberφas conocer serß un&#x0201C,verdadero amigo&#x0201D, que ayudarß al alumno a no equivocarse, evitando de este modo situaciones absurdas e incluso inc≤modas. El alumno aprenderß que palabras inglesas como excited y preservative, ´notienen nada que ver! Encontrarß mßs de 130 false friends presentados de una forma muy amena a travΘs de imßgenes y frases que relacionan cada pareja de palabras. Ademßs, cada pßgina contiene consejos ·tiles sobre vocabulario, sin≤nimos, pronunciaci≤n, detalles gramaticales o errores tφpicos que harßn la lectura mßsagradable, divertida y enriquecedora. Todo ello dentro del inimitable estilo Vaughan, en el que potenciamos la agilidad oral con traducciones inversas tambiΘndisponibles en audio descargable en MP3.
Preu Soci 9,45€
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Se trata del segundo de los 3 libros (1 = principiante, 2= intermedio y 3 =avanzado) sobre conversacionesen inglΘs Cada lecci≤n presenta una conversaci≤n donde se destacan palabras clave, a continuaci≤n realizauna serie de preguntas para comprobar que lo ha aprendido. Cada libro tambiΘn cuenta con audio descargable.
Preu Soci 14,20€
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ELI S Listening Activities 1/+CD
Preu Soci 56,90€
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40 units of quick exercises with regular test sections for beginner to intermediate students. Grammar in Practice provides grammar practice in a simple and accessible format. Each book has 40 units of quick grammar exercises with regular test sections to
Preu Soci 14,44€
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AD Verbos iirregulares ingleses/+ejercicios
Preu Soci 8,50€
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Preu Soci 11,30€
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PEAR Round-up 2 2E/SB pack
Preu Soci 23,46€
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COL Work on your Grammar B1
Preu Soci 16,53€
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Preu Soci 53,51€
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This new series of activity books is combined with a digital version and helps students to gradually acquire different levels of language.Based on a functional communicative approach, the series helps students at gradually acquire the vocabulary and linguistic structures thanks to the 14 units in each volume, which propose lexical themes related to topics of daily use. The Activity books include digital resources!• Visual Literacy and VocabularyEach unit opens with about twenty words, supported by clear and beautiful illustrations. The words are then contextualized in a dialogue and practised in the subsequent four pages through games and graded activities, such as crosswords, word searches, anagrams and word-picture matching.• RevisionThere is a dictation and lexical map to be completed at the end of each unit which allows students to verify vocabulary acquisition. The unit ends with activities where learners can express their personal answers. The solutions in the appendix allow you to use the three-volume series also for self-learning.• Digital ResourcesEngaging and interactive activities are available and the digital book is compatible with any device.
Preu Soci 19,24€
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CUP Bilingual Family 2E
Preu Soci 38,85€
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Libro del alumno impreso con prßctica Listening y Speaking para estudiantes de cursos acadΘmicos que requieren un nivel alto en inglΘs. Incluye acceso a OnlineWorkbook y Student┤s Resource Centre.
Preu Soci 37,31€
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OUP Practical English Grammar 4E
Preu Soci 28,94€
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Gramàtica anglesa amb instruccions i explicacions disponibles en català. Conté un CD per avaluar el treball realitzat. A cada unitat hi ha un test de revisió.
Preu Soci 20,09€
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MM Live English Grammar PRE-INT
Preu Soci 24,98€
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EP Grammarway 1-A1/SB+key
Preu Soci 23,94€
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PJ Stilton English 13+CD/Aeroport
Preu Soci 14,20€
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ELI S Cook for Fun B/Student's
Preu Soci 17,48€
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EP Grammarway 3-B1/Student's
Preu Soci 18,57€
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OUP Grammar Friends 6/+MRom
Preu Soci 17,91€
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OUP English Grammar Course INT SB/+k
Preu Soci 38,39€
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The Speak Now Student Book develops students' communication skills, enabling them to communicate confidently and effectively. Speak Now features fully integrated video every four lessons, with characters modelingreal-world language. The English in Action video clips help students to develop their listening and pronunciation skills, understand the importance of gestures and body language, and discuss culture and idioms.Set Online Practice activities as homework to practice the work you cover in class. Online Practice givesyour students the opportunity to improve their listening, speaking, and pronunciation skills outside class. Take advantage of the interactive teacher tools totrack your students' progress, see their grades, communicate with them and more. Speak and record practicemeans students can practice their pronunciation awayfrom the classroom. Students submit their speaking tasks. You can then mark them and give personalized feedback.
Preu Soci 38,93€
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Lámina protegida con plástico polarizado de 125 micras. Tamaño DIN A4 (210x297mm) Impresa a dos caras a todo color.
Preu Soci 4,75€
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