Món professional

Explora els secrets del món professional anglès amb la nostra selecció de llibres especialitzats. Des de guies pràctiques per a l'entrevista de feina fins a recursos per millorar les teves habilitats de comunicació en el lloc de treball, oferim una varietat de materials per ajudar-te a aconseguir l'èxit professional en un entorn anglòfon. Amb consells d'experts i estratègies pràctiques, aquests llibres et prepararan per afrontar els desafiaments i aprofitar les oportunitats professionals.

Market Leader: British English | 5 Levels | A1 - C2.Develop confident, fluent speakers who can successfully use English in a work environment Market Leader 3rd Edition Extra is a five-level English course for students who want to learn English and learn about business, and for business people who want to advance their careers. It has been developed in association withthe Financial Times, one of the leading sources of business information in the world. Financial Times material introduces students to topical business issuesand builds the professional language and communication skills required for the modern world of business. Market Leader is a five-level English course developedtogether with the Financial Times. 'Premier Lessons'offer a constantly-updated bank of lessons based onthe latest Financial Times articles
Preu Soci 28,36€
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Cambridge English for the Media develops the communication skills and specialist English language knowledge of media students and professionals, enabling them to work more confidently and effectively. Covering a range of media-related fields including
Preu Soci 37,90€
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English for International Tourism is a three-level series designed to meet the English-language needs of professionals working in the tourism industry and students of tourism in further education. The course includes authentic material taken from the world&#x02019,s best-loved guidebooks, Dorling Kindersley&#x02019,sEyewitness Travel Guides which explore some of the world's top tourist destinations. English for International Tourism Workbook with key offers a wide varietyof practice and review exercices and covers all of the language areas studied in the unit. With audio CDincluding all the audio material of the workbook.
Preu Soci 19,09€
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OUP Business Result PRE 2E/SB+onlWB
Preu Soci 43,20€
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The Student's Book and Workbook are now combined, and every unit is supported by stunning new video footage, bringing the outside world into the classroom.
Preu Soci 41,72€
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Preu Soci 32,30€
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BUR BPM Commerce&Sales C/SB
Preu Soci 25,79€
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Preu Soci 25,32€
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Express Publishing

Dental Hygienist
Preu Soci 22,47€
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PEAR Ready to Order/WB+key
Preu Soci 22,66€
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Preu Soci 22,47€
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Preu Soci 34,53€
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COL Workplace English 1/+CD+DVD
Preu Soci 32,06€
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OUP Business Result UPP 2E/SB+Onl PK
Preu Soci 43,20€
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Business Benchmark Second edition is the official Cambridge English preparation course for Cambridge English: Business Preliminary, Vantage and Higher (also known as BEC), and BULATS. These Class Audio CDs contain all the recorded material for the listening activities in the Business Benchmark Upper Intermediate Business Vantage Student's Book, including the Business Vantage practice test listening.
Preu Soci 55,00€
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BUR CF Tourism/WB
Preu Soci 16,86€
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HNL 21ST Century Commun 2
Preu Soci 38,09€
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Preu Soci 34,82€
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Cambridge English for Nursing Intermediate Plus is designed to improve the communication skills and specialist English language knowledge of healthcare professionals, enabling them to work more confidently and effectively. With an emphasis on listening and speaking, the course covers the core areas of nursing with authentic tasks and activities based on everyday scenarios, making the course relevant and motivating. The Student's Book contains two audio CDs and the course is backed-up by a wealth of online activities helpingkeep nurses up-to-date and confident in their workingenvironment.
Preu Soci 37,90€
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ASSIMIL Ingles de los negocios/Libro/13
Preu Soci 23,65€
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OUP Business Result ELE 2E/SB+onlWB
Preu Soci 43,20€
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BUR CF Restaurants & Catering/WB
Preu Soci 16,86€
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Express Publishing

Computing Student Book
Preu Soci 22,47€
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Preu Soci 41,72€
Has afegit la quantitat màxima disponible.