Novel·les a partir de 7 anys

La lectura desenvolupa la capacitat imaginativa i creativa dels nens, millora la seva comprensió lectora, incrementa la seva concentració i augmenta el seu vocabulari, entre altres beneficis. Busques més motius per regalar novel·les i llibres d'aventures i misteri? Compra novel·les i llibres d'aventures i misteri online Et proposem un seguit de novel·les i llibres d'aventures i misteri a partir de 9 anys. Una variada selecció de lectures de dos dels gèneres per excel·lència de la literatura. Trobaràs lectures per a tots els gustos: sagues de llibres infantils i adolescents, llibres de triar la teva pròpia aventura i adaptacions de grans obres clàssiques, entre d'altres.

Un extraño en casa
-5% en Llibres

Lozano Carbayo, Pilar

9,40€ 8,93€
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Sir Gadabout i del foc a les brases
-5% en Llibres

Beardsley, Martin

Coneix Sir Gadabout, el Pitjor Cavaller del Món... Quan roben l'Excalibur, Sir Gadabout es posa de camí amb els seus fidels companys, a la recerca de Sir Rudyard el Ranci. Hauran de fer front a tota mena de perills si volen retornar la poderosa espas
9,90€ 9,40€
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Txano i Oscar - L'aguila doble
-5% en Llibres

Santos, Julio

'Hola! El meu nom és Txano i el meu germà bessó es diu Òscar.El final de les vacances s’acostava de pressa mentre passàvem uns dies al poble dels avis. Ja saps com va... Molt de temps amb els amics i molta tranquil·litat, o això semblava. Una nit, mentre jugàvem a fet i amagar, vam descobrir un diari vell oblidat en un corral en ruïnes. Quan el vam obrir, hi vam trobar un nom, una frase i un misteri. Vam trigar tres dies a resoldre'l, però la premsa va acabar parlant de nosaltres. T’atreveixes a passar aquests dies amb nosaltres?
13,50€ 12,82€
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Princesas de Reino de la Fantasía 8. Bruja de las llamas
-5% en Llibres

Stilton, Tea

¡Una nueva aventura de las Princesas del Reino de laFantasía! Un incendio amenaza el Bosque Viviente. ElGran Reino está de nuevo en peligro. Tras el fuego está la mano de Pirea, bruja de las Llamas y señora delas Centellas. Yara, la más joven de las Princesas, tendrá que enfrentarse al enemigo y luchar hasta…¡la última llama!
15,95€ 15,15€
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Mis stickers centelleantes - Los dinosaurios
-5% en Llibres


Aquí tienes unos libros llenos de juegos y páginas para colorear y decorar con divertidos stickers centelleantes. ¡Diviértete!
6,95€ 6,60€
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The gruffalo sound book
-5% en Llibres

Donaldson, Julianne

21,25€ 20,19€
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Alphabet book activity bk lbr starter l1
-5% en Llibres
4,50€ 4,27€
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That christmas
-5% en Llibres

Cobb, Rebecca

12,25€ 11,64€
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I've seen Santa
-5% en Llibres

Bedford, David

It's Christmas Eve and Little Bear can't wait for Santa to deliver his presents. ''Santa will come just as soon as you go to sleep,'' Mummy Bear says. Little Bear doesn't want to go to sleep. He wants to see Santa! But then he hears a noise downstairs. Could it be ...Santa?
11,95€ 11,35€
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All the dogs
-5% en Llibres

Kent, Nicola

Created by the 2019 winner of the UK Independent Booksellers' Best New Illustrator Award Nicola Kent presents All the dogs! Big dogs, small dogs, hardly there at all dogs. Two dogs, three dogs, always need a pee dogs! Have fun reading along in this chunky, gifty doggy board book and meet ALL the dogs... can you spot yours?
10,00€ 9,50€
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Teatime around the world
-5% en Llibres

Waissbluth, Denyse

19,50€ 18,52€
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The fun run activity bk lbr starter l6
-5% en Llibres
4,50€ 4,27€
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The matchbox diary
-5% en Llibres


When a little girl visits her great-grandfather, she asks about the collection of matchboxes harboring objects she can hold in her hand, each one evoking a memory. Together they tell of his journey from Italy to a new country, before he could read and write: the olive pit his mother gave him to suck on when there wasn’t enough food, a bottle cap he saw on his way to the boat, a ticket still retaining the thrill of his first baseball game. Newbery Medalist Paul Fleischman and acclaimed illustrator Bagram Ibatoulline tell a breathtaking immigration tale with appeal across generations.
10,75€ 10,21€
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The beauty and the beast
-5% en Llibres


MinaLima, the award-winning design studio behind the graphics for the Harry Potter film franchise and the creators of the illustrated Jungle Book and Peter Pan, now reimagine the beloved French fairy tale The Beauty and the Beast in this deluxe unabridged edition illustrated with stunning full-color artwork and nine 3-D interactive features—published to coincide with the release of the blockbuster Disney live-action musical film starring Emma Watson, Ian McKellen, Josh Gad, Ewan McGregor, and Emma Thompson…
30,75€ 29,21€
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Gus is hot! activity bk lbr starter l7
-5% en Llibres
4,50€ 4,27€
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Amelia fang & the barbaric ball
-5% en Llibres

Anderson, Laura Ellen

Meet Amelia Fang.She loves playing Goblin Tag, and cuddling her pet pumpkin, Squashy. She hates going to her mum and dad's boring Barbaric Ball. Oh, and one more thing - Amelia is a vampire.When the spoilt prince of Nocturnia captures Squashy, Amelia must plan a daring rescue. But things in the Kingdom of the Dark may not be all they seem...Join Amelia on her first abominable adventure. She won't bite!
10,50€ 9,97€
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Ladybird tales. Pinocchio
-5% en Llibres

Assanelli, Victoria

4,40€ 4,18€
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Top dog & pompom activity bk lbr starter l4
-5% en Llibres
4,50€ 4,27€
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The wilderness
-5% en Llibres

Mccarthy, Steve

This is a real adventure book, so be careful not to get too lost between its pages... The Vasylenko family are adventurers. They all love the wet and the wild, the thrill of exploring the outside world.
11,50€ 10,92€
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Use your imagination pb
-5% en Llibres

O'Byrne, Nicola

10,50€ 9,97€
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Usborne workbooks multiplying 6 - 7
-5% en Llibres

Bathie, Holly

Helped by a group of friendly jungle animals, children can develop their multiplying skills. The activities in this book build confidence in understanding multiplication, including by repeated addition, counting and identifying multiples.
6,20€ 5,89€
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Farmer carl activity bk lbr starter l15
-5% en Llibres
4,50€ 4,27€
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-5% en Llibres

Foday, Nyanda

From former Birmingham Young Poet Laureate Nyanda Foday comes this inspirational, poetic introduction to the vital need for every child to see themselves in the books they read. What does a book mean to those who search for acceptance and understanding? A place to find friends, feel part of a family, or to be your true self. A good book takes you to new worlds, the right one shows you can exist in this one.So for all bookworms -lovers of books- the world is waiting for you.
11,50€ 10,92€
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My first fairy tales: Pinocchio
-5% en Llibres


Children can bring their favorite fairy tales to life with this easy-to-use pull tab on each page.
11,90€ 11,30€
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