Lectures graduades en anglès

Aprofita al màxim la teva pràctica de lectura en anglès amb la nostra col·lecció de llibres sobre lectures graduades. Des de nivells inicials fins a avançats, aquests llibres ofereixen una varietat d'històries interessants i emocionants adaptades al teu nivell de competència. Amb vocabulari contextualitzat i exercicis integrats, aquests materials t'ajudaran a millorar la teva comprensió lectora, a ampliar el teu vocabulari i a gaudir del plaer de llegir en anglès.

OUP DOM0 Rip Van Winkle/16
Preu Soci 11,57€
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OUP OBL2 William Shakespeare/16
Preu Soci 9,63€
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OUP ORI Early Start Apples & Bananas/16
Preu Soci 8,82€
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OUP DOM2 Saladin/16
Preu Soci 12,65€
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OUP ORI4 Swimming With Dolphins/16
Preu Soci 8,82€
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OUP ORD4 How To Stay Healthy/16
Preu Soci 8,82€
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OUP DOM0 Hercules/16
Preu Soci 11,57€
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VV LS A Christmas Carol/19
Preu Soci 11,87€
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OUP ORI STA Rosie's Teddy Bear/AB
Preu Soci 3,74€
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OUP CT1 Princess & Pea 2E/16
Preu Soci 8,91€
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Find out what happened when kind, clever Beauty had to live with a beast ...
Preu Soci 8,91€
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VV LBR Peppa Pig: Fun with Old Things
Preu Soci 6,98€
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MCM MX2 Puss in Boots
Preu Soci 9,23€
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OUP OBL0 The Silver Statue/18
Preu Soci 8,60€
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Col·lecció de lectures graduades per a nens de primària. Charlie, el protagonista, viu diferents aventures i descobriments ambientats al Regne Unit
Preu Soci 8,07€
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VV RT4 Tom Jones
Preu Soci 12,49€
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Preu Soci 12,16€
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Mowgli is a boy. He lives in the jungle. The dangerous tiger does not like Mowgli. Mowgli meets Baloo the bear. Can Baloo help Mowgli?
Preu Soci 6,17€
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Ideal for elementary learners of English looking to improve or practise their English. The book is filled with useful vocabulary that is carefully graded and easy to understand, it also comes with audio, so that you can listen to the story at the same ti
Preu Soci 9,63€
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When Caterina finds her great-great grandmothers diary in the attic she reads about her difficult life as a child worker in the local mill. Caterina starts thinking and soon she has started a campaign against a local boutique that sells cheap fashionable clothes.However the shop belongs to Jakes Uncle Sanjit.Can Caterina convince Sanjit to sell ethically made clothes? And are Sanjits suppliers what they seem?
Preu Soci 14,11€
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VV ER3 Monster in the Box
Preu Soci 8,64€
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PEN NPR6 MP3 Captain Corelli's Mandolin
Preu Soci 11,83€
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Preu Soci 10,69€
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VV GA0 Jungle Book
Preu Soci 11,87€
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