Llibres d'anglès


Award-winning original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, from Starter to Advanced, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. A plane crashes in the middle of the desert
Preu Soci 9,40€
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Libro del alumno impreso con prßctica Reading y Writing para estudiantes de cursos acadΘmicos que requieren un nivel alto en inglΘs. Incluye acceso a Online Workbook y Student┤s Resource Centre.
Preu Soci 37,31€
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VV LBR Space
Preu Soci 6,98€
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Preu Soci 28,88€
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PEN PK6 Lilo and Stitch
Preu Soci 10,31€
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Reflecting the work-life balance of busy adults, it enables learners to develop the English they really need for the social and business communication demandsof their daily lives. The course is for and about professionals in a wide range of working environments, including traditional business contexts and the publicand voluntary sectors. It is particularly suitable for those who have studied English in the past but want to refresh, consolidate and practise their existingEnglish as well as learn new language. Each of the 30 Student's Book units provides at least 90 minutes'classroom teaching material. Whiteboard Software designed for use alongside the Level 1 Student's Book offers teachers a dynamic, flexible way to present and use the Student's Book material in class, including audio and hundreds of pictures and texts. www.cambridge.org/elt/english365 offers additional support and practice in the form of worksheets, wordlists, online research activities, weblinks and revision units.
Preu Soci 52,15€
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Pon en forma tu inglés de una manera divertida con este libro en el que encontrarás: - Acertijos. - Juegosde verdadero o falso. - Crucigramas. - Sopas de letras. - Juegos de encontrar las diferencias. - Cuestiones culturales. - Anagramas. - ¡Y muchas cosas más! ¡Pasatiempos para repasar en tus ratos libres!
Preu Soci 9,45€
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Preu Soci 5,22€
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PEN NPR1 House of the Seven Gables
Preu Soci 9,88€
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Preu Soci 12,06€
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Preu Soci 41,54€
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OUP CT1 Enormous Turnip/Activity
Preu Soci 3,78€
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Preu Soci 20,42€
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Gold New Edition follows the same approach as previous editions but has been revised and updated followingextensive research with users throughout the world.What's NEW in Gold? 50% new content: with many new readings and listening, as well as new visuals. Inreased difficulty level: for reading and listening to match the level of the Cambridge First exam. Presenting and practicing grammar: more detailed, thorough approach. Full practice test: in the coursebook, and threemore to download. More testing & practicing opportunities Functional improvements Teacher feedback: all changes have been initiated by usersÊ feedback and validated by teachers It helps teachers to deliver stimulating, discussion-rich lessons with focused exam preparation. Each level of the series offers a strong emphasis on communicative practice and the development of natural speaking skills to build student confidencefor exams and beyond.
Preu Soci 29,97€
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Preu Soci 9,40€
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Uno de los factores que marca la diferencia entre una persona que tiene un nivel intermedio de inglés y una persona que tiene un nivel avanzado es la cantidad de adjetivos que utiliza. Los adjetivos son aquellas palabras que nos ayudan a describir nuestro
Preu Soci 9,45€
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ANGLÈS FÀCIL és el primer mètode d'aprenentatge d'anglès pensat i adreçat específicament per a catalanoparlants. Aprofitant els punts en comú de les dues llengües fem més fàcil, eficient i significatiu el procésd'aprenentatge de l'anglès, alleujant les dificultatsde comprensió que ens podem trobar en apropar-nos aun idioma que no és el nostre.HI TROBAREU...· La normativa bàsica de l'anglès explicada en català de manera clara, ordenada i gradual.· La resolució dels dubtes més freqüents.· Més de 2.000 frases d'ús quotidià en llengua anglesa, amb la seva corresponent traducció en català, les quals ajudena aclarir els principals punts de la gramàtica.· Més de 700 exercicis de traducció (amb el solucionari corresponent) que ajudaran a consolidar els coneixements adquirits.S'ADREÇA A...· Personescatalanoparlants que vulguin aprendre anglès com a experiència personal o professional.· Professoratd'anglès que imparteixi classes en territoris de parla catalana.· Estudiants, compresos en la franja que va de l'ensenyament secundari a l'universitari,que vulguin tenir un llibre de gramàtica essencial que complementi els manuals clàssics.
Preu Soci 15,91€
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PEN PK6 Animal Camouflage
Preu Soci 12,25€
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MCM MEEX 6 Time Twist
Preu Soci 9,23€
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Ahora es posible hablar un inglΘs mßs natural, mßs fluido y mßs nativo con Expresiones en inglΘs que deberφas conocer! Este libro te presenta las 1.000 expresiones mßs comunes del inglΘs de manera sencilla, claray amena para darle este toque nativo a tu inglΘs. Cada expresi≤n estß transcrita a la FonΘtica Vaughan especialmente dise±ada para hispanohablantes, dos ejemplos de uso a travΘs de frases de traducci≤n inversa en el inimitable estilo Vaughan y audio descargable enMP3. Asφ el alumno puede asimilarlas de manera natural e incorporarlas poco a poco a su inglΘs activo. Las expresiones como se convertirßn en sus aliados hacia un inglΘs mßs natural.
Preu Soci 9,45€
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BUR BRS S4 Innocent Victim
Preu Soci 7,60€
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VAUGHAN Translation booklet 1
Preu Soci 18,95€
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Practice Tests Plus Practice Tests Plus familiarise learners with the task types, question formats and style of the test papers.Practice Tests Plus provide focused exam training to familiarise learners with the task types, question formats and style of the Cambridge Exam test papers. Key features: 100% in line with current Cambridge exams requirements, including 2020 exam Exam overview provides detailed information abouteach paper Guidance activities increase awareness about what each part of the exam is testing and scaffold the studentsÊ experience Tip strips provide strategies and hints on where to look and what to look for when responding to a question Grammar bank provides language input, support and practice on some key structures for the level Speaking bank provides useful language and extra practice for each part of the speakingtest Writing bank provides model answers, useful language and extra input to support the writing paper Speaking test video allows students to see how the speaking test is carried out Examiner feedback video aimsto highlight strengths and areas for improvement About the exam video gives information for the exam
Preu Soci 23,08€
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Consta de 180 clases de inglΘs con una estructura muydefinida. En la parte izquierda presentamos una estructura gramatical, explicamos su mecßnica, damos consejos de pronunciaci≤n, gramaticales y avisamos de errores comunes y a la derecha presentamos una frase para dominar la estructura.
Preu Soci 14,20€
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