Llibres de Narrativa i Novel·les

Busques una bona lectura amb la que distreure't? Has de fer un regal especial a algú a qui li apassiona llegir? A Abacus, tenim una àmplia i variada selecció de literatura clàssica i nova. Descobreix el nostre catàleg i compra les millors novel·les i best sellers a la nostra botiga de llibres online.

The best science fiction of the year. Vol.8
-5% en Llibres

Clarke, Neil

From Hugo Award-Winning Editor Neil Clarke, the Best Science Fiction Stories of the Year Collected in a Single Paperback Volume.Keeping up-to-date with the most buzzworthy and cutting-edge science fiction requires sifting through countless magazines, e-zines, websites, blogs, original anthologies, single-author collections, and more—a task that can be accomplished by only the most determined and voracious readers. For everyone else, Night Shade Books is proud to present the latest volume of The Best Science Fiction of the Year, a yearly anthology compiled by Hugo and World Fantasy Award–winning editor Neil Clarke, collecting the finest that the genre has to offer, from the biggest names in the field to the most exciting new writers.The best science fiction scrutinizes our culture and politics, examines the limits of the human condition, and zooms across galaxies at faster-than-light speeds, moving from the very near future to the far-flung worlds of tomorrow in the space of a single sentence. Clarke, publisher and editor-in-chief of the acclaimed and award-winning magazine Clarkesworld, has selected the short science fiction (and only science fiction) best representing the previous year’s writing, showcasing the talent, variety, and awesome “sensawunda” that the genre has to offer.
19,25€ 18,29€
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Mr salary
-5% en Llibres

Rooney, Sally

6,50€ 6,17€
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Una odisea balcánica
-5% en Llibres

Campoy, César

Una odisea balcánica traza un recorrido intimista por varios países balcánicos — Albania, Macedonia del Norte, Bulgaria, Rumanía, Serbia y Bosnia-Herzegovina— siguiendo los escenarios de la película del realizador griego Theo Angelopoulus, La mirada de Ulises, de 1995, Una geografía marcada por los conflictos, las fronteras inciertas y las pasiones humanas, Este mapa personal, en forma de diario de viajes, es un elogio a la pasión del autor por el cine, la gente y la cultura de los Balcanes, El resultado es una guía alternativa, cinéfila y a ratos provocadora, ideal para viajeros sin complejos,
17,90€ 17,00€
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Los sentidos del tiempo
-5% en Llibres

Maldonado, Antonio

El saber científico ha iluminado la sombra en la que se hallaban tantas enfermedades y supersticiones, miedos e incertidumbres, Sin embargo, mientras ese saber mejoraba nuestras vidas, la luz de la razón parece habernos desposeído de los mitos y relatos que inspiraban los sentidos de la existencia, Este es el desencantamiento del mundo del que nos hablaba Max Weber, ¿Cómo volver a encantarlo?Antonio G, Maldonado ensaya y busca en la literatura, en la ciencia, en la historia y en lo cotidiano indicios que cuestionen la idea cerrada que tenemos de la realidad, Un arco de galaxias que contradice el principio cosmológico o la imagen de unas ruinas romanas redescubiertas bajo un muladar son acontecimientos que nos hablan de un tiempo en el que aún no esté escrita la última palabra. A través de Thomas Bernhard, Borges, Simone de Beauvoir y La montaña mágica, donde el positivista Settembrini y el supersticioso Naphta encarnan polos irreconciliables, Maldonado reivindica la esperanza y el sentido que alberga no aquello que sabemos, sino todo lo que aún desconocemos y lo que puede que no sepamos nunca,
12,90€ 12,25€
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De qué se esconden las tortugas
-5% en Llibres

Doistua, Ianire

De qué se esconden las tortugas recoge quince relatos breves protagonizados por mujeres que pertenecen a distintas realidades familiares, En cada una de las historias nos adentraremos en el mundo interior de estas mujeres, donde no tienen cabida las impostaciones ni las correcciones sociales, donde se pueden mostrar tal como son, en total libertad dentro de su secreta intimidad, ajenas a la mirada exterior y a sus inseparables prejuicios, La suma de estas voces construye una mirada poliédrica sobre la familia, ese caparazón en el que, a veces, nos refugiamos, y, otras, en cambio, se convierte en una amenaza,
17,00€ 16,15€
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Sin rizos no hay paraíso
-5% en Llibres

Brun, Gema

«¡Agárrate, que vienen curvas!» Este parece ser el mensaje que la vida, muy cachonda ella, le está enviando a Ramona. Porque es volver de su maravilloso y relajante viaje en el Caribe y tener que enfrentarse de nuevo al mundo real, lleno de sorpresas y no precisamente agradables. Y es que todo lo que le pasa bien podría formar parte de un culebrón turco, de esos que ve mayormente su madre, con amenazas de cárcel, traiciones, zombis y fantasmas incluidos. Esta zozobra emocional hace que, de tanto en tanto, vuelva a aparecer la antigua Ramona, los viejos patrones y el manido papel devíctima. Aunque hay que decir a su favor que el universo lo pone un pelín complicado a veces, ¿eh? Pero, claro, nadie dijo que fuera fácil. Y Ramona tendrá que aprenderque todo tiene un por qué y un para qué, aunque cueste entender los motivos de ese universo, tan puñetero, que se empeña en traer de vuelta a personas del pasado que pueden poner su mundo patas arriba.¿Qué pasará con Carlos? ¿Sucumbirá de nuevo a sus encantos, enredándose en un trío amoroso? O lo suyo con Sergio, ¿acabará en el combo «bodorrio-bienes gananciales-un par de hijos-juntos hasta que la muerte nos separe», como siempre ha soñado Ramona?
16,95€ 16,10€
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I Married A Dead Man
-5% en Llibres

Woolrich, Cornell

‘She went looking for the gun...’The survivor of a horrific train wreck, moneyless, desperate, pregnant Helen Georgesson slowly regains consciousness to find herself surrounded by the members of her wealthy, adoring Californian family. The only problem is: she has never met any of them before.I Married a Dead Man is a miraculous noir novel by the absolute master of the genre. Extravagant, histrionic, mazelike, the plot — even while you condemn it as absurd — keeps you imprisoned in Woolrich’s surreal, agonized world.
14,25€ 13,54€
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We Have Always Lived in the Castle
-5% en Llibres

Jackson, Shirley

The world of Shirley Jackson is eerie and unforgettable ... She is a true master' A. M. HomesLiving in the Blackwood family home with only her sister Constance and her Uncle Julian for company, Merricat just wants to preserve their delicate way of life. But ever since Constance was acquitted of murdering the rest of the family, the world isn't leaving the Blackwoods alone. And when Cousin Charles arrives, armed with overtures of friendship and a desperate need to get into the safe, Merricat must do everything in her power to protect the remaining family.
14,25€ 13,54€
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This Summer Will Be Different
-5% en Llibres

Fortune, Carley

This summer they’ll keep their promise. This summer they won't give into temptation. This summer will be different.The first time Lucy and Felix met she was on vacation on Prince Edward Island. And a tour of the beaches wasn’t the only thing he showed her. But when she discovered his true identity as her best friend, Bridget’s brother, their electric night should have become a distant memory…Each year with Lucy and Bridget’s return for a summer escape, she promises herself she won’t end up in Felix’s arms, but it’s easier said than done.Not this year though. This year it will be different. With Bridget facing the biggest crisis of her life, Lucy must join her for one last trip to the island.But Felix’s sparkling eyes and flirty quips have been replaced with something new, something more and Lucy’s beginning to wonder just how safe her heart truly is.
13,50€ 12,82€
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The Night Manager
-5% en Llibres

Le Carré, John

Discover the new Penguin Crime and Espionage seriesAt the start of it all, Jonathan Pine is merely the night manager at a luxury hotel. But when a single attempt to pass on information to the British authorities about an international businessman at the hotel with suspicious dealings backfires terribly, and people close to Pine begin to die, he commits himself to a battle against powerful forces he cannot begin to imagine.In a chilling tale of corrupt intelligence agencies, billiondollar price tags and the truth of the brutal arms trade, John le Carré creates a claustrophobic world in which no one can be trusted.
14,25€ 13,54€
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Sisters under the Rising Sun
-5% en Llibres

Morris, Heather

The phenomenal new novel, based on a true story, from the multimillion-copy bestselling author of The Tattooist of Auschwitz, Cilka's Journey and Three Sisters.1942. Singapore is falling to the Japanese Army. English musician Norah Chambers places her eight-year-old daughter Sally on a ship leaving Singapore, desperate to keep her safe. As the island burns, Australian nurse Nesta James joins the terrified cargo of people, including the heartbroken Norah, crammed aboard the HMS Vyner Brooke. After only two days at sea, the ship is bombarded and sunk.Nesta and Norah reach the beaches of Indonesia only to be captured and held in one of the notorious Japanese POW camps, places of starvation and brutality. But even here joy can be found, in music, where Norah's 'voice orchestra' transports the internees from squalor into light. The friendships they build with the dozens of other women in the camps will give them the hope, strength and camaraderie they need in order to stay alive.Sisters under the Rising Sun tells the story of women in war: a novel of sisterhood, bravery and resilience in the darkest of circumstances.
13,25€ 12,59€
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-5% en Llibres

Smith, Wilbur

An epic new novel of Ancient Egypt, from the Master of Historical Adventure, Wilbur Smith. IN THE RUINS OF BATTLEA HERO MUST RISEFOR THE GLORY OF EGYPT. Years of Hyksos rule have seen the plunder of once-mighty Egypt. Though the two kingdoms have now been reunited by the armies of the true Pharaoh, his position is perilous, his rule under threat from those who seek to take advantage of the turmoil created by the overthrow of the Hyksos.
14,75€ 14,01€
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Eyes Turned Skyward
-5% en Llibres

Yarros, Rebecca

Since her sister's death, twenty-year-old Paisley Donovan, who shares her sister's heart condition, is treated like delicate glass by her parents. But nothing will stop her from completing her Bucket List-even if it kills her. And it almost does, until Jagger Bateman pulls her from the ocean and breathes more than air into her lungs-he sets her soul on fire. Jagger is enrolled in the country's toughest flight school. He's wickedly hot, reckless, and perfect for a girl looking to live life to the fullest. Except that Paisley is the commanding general's daughter, and her boyfriend is Jagger's biggest rival. Now Paisley must decide just how much to risk for a guy who makes her heart pound a little too hard. They're flying through dangerous territory-and one wrong move could make them crash and burn...
14,75€ 14,01€
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Hallowed Ground
-5% en Llibres

Yarros, Rebecca

There are some debts you can't repay. Josh Walker is loyal, reckless, and every girl's dream. But he only has eyes for December Howard, the girl he's craved since his high school hockey days. Together they have survived grief, the military, distance, and time as they've fought for stolen weekends between his post at Ft. Rucker and her college at Vanderbilt. Now that Josh is a medevac pilot and Ember is headed toward graduation, they're moving on-and in-together.
14,75€ 14,01€
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Shopkeeping: Stories, Advice, and Observations
-5% en Llibres

Miller, Peter J.

A love letter to the small shop, and shop owners everywhere, by beloved bookseller Peter Miller.There is a tradition of shopkeeping, a tradition of codes, etiquette, and customs. For the most part, it is an oral history, passed along, person to person. You learn to be a retailer-not by going to college, but by going to work. You learn from people who have learned how to run a shop.'' [from the Introduction]For more than four decades, Peter Miller has run a design bookshop that shares his name in Seattle. He has also written three of his own books, manuals about cooking and about food and about eating together. In this love letter to his day job, Miller writes for the first time about his other love: shopkeeping.Miller crafts stories from the bookshop floor with wry humor and skillful storytelling. Readers are taken on a shopkeeping journey and will come to understand along the way that small shops characterize our towns and cities, making them unique, special, and worth visiting and living near. This essay collection is for shop lovers everywhere and captures the art and heart of running a local shop treasured by the community that surrounds it. By the end, you can't help wanting to own a shop.
23,75€ 22,56€
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Els anys
-5% en Llibres

Woolf, Virginia

El retrat d'una família burgesa de Londres durant tres generacions en una epoca de canvis històrics, socials i ideològics. Els Pargiter, una típica família burgesa, recorren en aquestes pàgines un període de temps comprès entre les últimes raneres de l'era victoriana i els primers anys trenta. I en el si de la seva llar es dramatitzen les tensions històriques, socials i ideològiques d'aquesta època de transició i boira, quan un món i una idea de la civilització s'enfonsaven per deixar pas a un temps nou i ple d'incertesa. La guerra, l'estructura patriarcal, el capitalisme, l'Imperi o l'auge del feixisme són algunes de les ombres que es projecten en les parets de la casa d'aquesta família anglesa. VIRGINIA WOOLF (Londres, 1882) va ser una destacada escriptora que, barrejant gèneres com la narrativa, l'assaig, la biografia i l'escriptura diarística, va forjar una obra revolucionària que no ha deixat d'influir en la literatura posterior. De la seva àmplia producció cal destacar La senyora Dalloway (1925), El lector comú(1925), Al far (1927), Orlando(1928), Les ones (1931) i Els anys (1937).
22,90€ 21,75€
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-5% en Llibres

Cusk, Rachel

A path-breaking novel of art, womanhood and violence, from the author of the Outline trilogy. A writer hides. A mother dies. A woman is attacked. In Parade, Rachel Cusk creates a new documentary voice that operates on the border between fiction and reality. It braids imagined characters with the actual, experience with the philosophical, to altering effect.
18,75€ 17,81€
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The Glow
-5% en Llibres

Gaynor, Jessie

A desperate young publicist tries to save her career by turning a grungy retreat centre and its charismatic leader into the hot new self-care brand in this darkly comedic, razor-sharp send-up of the wellness industry. For fans of Halle Butler's THE NEW ME, Abigail Bergstrom's WHAT A SHAME and Liane Moriaty's NINE PERFECT STRANGERS
17,25€ 16,39€
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A View From The Stars
-5% en Llibres

Liu, Cixin

A new collection of essays and short stories from the New York Times bestselling author of The Three-Body Problem ''We’re mysterious aliens in the crowd. We jump like fleas from future to past and back again, and float like clouds of gas between nebulae, in a flash, we can reach the edge of the universe, or tunnel into a quark, or swim within a star-core. . . . We’re as unassuming as fireflies, yet our numbers grow like grass in spring. We sci-fi fans are people from the future.''—Cixin Liu, from the essay ''Sci-Fi Fans''. A VIEW FROM THE STARS features a range of short works from the past three decades of New York Times bestselling author Cixin Liu's prolific career, putting his nonfiction essays and short stories side-by-side for the first time. This collection includes essays and interviews that shed light on Liu's experiences as a reader, writer, and lover of science fiction throughout his life, as well as short fiction that gives glimpses into the evolution of his imaginative voice over the years.
18,75€ 17,81€
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Resurrection Walk
-5% en Llibres

Connelly, Michael

Defense attorney Mickey Haller is back, taking the long shot cases, where the chances of winning are one in a million. He agrees to represent a woman in prison for killing her husband, a sheriff's deputy. Despite her conviction four years earlier, she still maintains her innocence. Haller enlists his half brother, retired LAPD Detective Harry Bosch, as investigator. Reviewing the case, Bosch sees something that doesn't add up, and a sheriff's department intent on bringing a quick search for justice in the killing of one of its own.
14,75€ 14,01€
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A Perfect Day to be Alone
-5% en Llibres

Aoyama, Nanae

It was raining when I arrived at the house. The walls of my room were lined with cat photos, set in fancy frames just below the ceiling. When her mother emigrates to China for work, twenty-year-old Chizu moves in with 71-year-old Ginko, an eccentric distant relative, taking a room in her ramshackle Tokyo home, with two its resident cats and the persistent rattle of passing trains. Living their lives in imperfect symmetry, they establish an uneasy alliance, stress tested by Chizu's flashes of youthful spite. As the four seasons pass, Chizu navigates a series of tedious part-time jobs and unsatisfying relationships, before eventually finding her feet and salvaging a fierce independence from her solitude.
14,75€ 14,01€
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Save What's Left
-5% en Llibres

Castellano, Elizabeth

Welcome to the picturesque beach town of Whitbey, where one woman comes looking for her dreamhome—only to find herself in the midst of a nightmare with her neighbors. When Kathleen Deane’shusband, Tom, tells her he’s no longer happy with his life and wants a divorce, Kathleen is confused.They live in the Midwest. They’ve been married thirty years. Who said anything about being happy? AsTom travels the globe in search of fulfillment, Kathleen starts to think about what she wants. And herthoughts lead her to a small beach community on Long Island that has always looked lovely in theholiday cards her childhood best friend sends every year. But soon Kathleen will discover that nothing inWhitbey is quite what she expected . . . including herself.
15,00€ 14,25€
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Out on a limb
-5% en Llibres

Bonam-Young, Hannah

A hot onenight stand—and an unexpected pregnancy—leads a young woman to someone she can depend on, from the viral TikTok author of Next of Kin and Next to YouWinnifred ''Win'' McNulty has always been wildly independent and not one to be coddled for her limb difference. Win has spent most of her life trying to prove that she can do it all on her own. With some minor adjustments, she's done just fine.Then a onenight stand at a costume party with the incredibly charming Bo changes everything. Win finds herself pregnant—and decides to keep it. While Bo is surprisingly elated to step up to the plate, Win is unsure of whether she can handle this new challenge.Together, Win and Bo decide to get to know one another as friends and nothing more while they embark on this parenting journey together. But, as they both should know by now, life rarely goes according to plan.
14,75€ 14,01€
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-5% en Llibres

Steel, Danielle

Sabrina Brooks is a wildly successful, bestselling author of gripping thrillers. Unlike her fictional characters, Sabrina lives a quiet life in the Berkshires with her two beloved dogs. But behind this peaceful exterior is a dark, painful past. As a child raised by an emotionally distant father, Sabrina rarely felt love. And as an adult, her marriage twisted into an abusive relationship from which she had to escape.
11,50€ 10,92€
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Compra novel·les a la botiga online d’Abacus

En aquesta secció disposem d'una àmplia selecció de novel·les online en format de tapa tova i tapa dura en múltiples idiomes.

Tria el gènere que més t'agradi! Novel·la contemporània catalana i espanyola, hispanoamericana, europea, anglosaxona, asiàtica, de viatges, de ciència-ficció i fantasia, de terror i misteri, negra, policíaca i thriller, romàntica i eròtica, històrica i literatura clàssica i juvenil.

Aclaparat per la gran quantitat de llibres? No et preocupis! Utilitza els nostres filtres per a buscar per temàtica, per les novel·les més venudes, per ordre alfabètic, pel format de llibre, per tipus de tapa, per idioma o per preu (de més baix a més alt). I troba fàcilment la lectura que estàs buscant!

Llegeix les millors novel·les, noves o clàssiques

Al nostre catàleg de novel·les online trobaràs la millor literatura clàssica de tots els temps, com per exemple, la Divina Comèdia de Dante, la Metamorfosi d'Ovidi, La Celestina de Fernando de Rojas o La Ilíada i L'Odissea d'Homer, entre altres, així com una selecció de l'últim en novel·les noves, en la qual es troben títols com La chica de nieve, Reina Roja, Sakura, El pintor d'ànimes, La noia del tren, El día que se perdió el amor, Largo pétalo de mar i moltes més.

Busques un escriptor en particular? Aquests són només alguns dels autors nacionals i internacionals dels quals disposem novel·les: Javier Castillo, Juan Gómez-Jurado, Víctor Amela, Almudena Grandes, Albert Espinosa, Maria Mercè Roca, Ildefonso Falcones, Santiago Posteguillo, Sarah Lark, Elísabet Benavent (@betacoqueta), Matilde Asensi, Paula Hawkins, Isabel Allende, etc.

T'agrada llegir novel·les? Fes un cop d'ull a la nostra selecció de literatura clàssica i descobreix les últimes novetats.