3r Primària

Preu Soci 37,09€
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ANIBV E3 Matemáticas trad. ABN
Preu Soci 9,83€
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Preu Soci 30,66€
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SAN E3 Matemáticas-cuad.2/SHC
Preu Soci 14,13€
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ANIB E3 Llengua/18
Preu Soci 47,96€
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VOR E3 Os, pedra, bisont/2
Preu Soci 28,26€
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SANIB E3 Llengua-quadern 1/Saber fer
Preu Soci 14,13€
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ANE E3 Mission Accomplished Express/AB
Preu Soci 15,35€
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ANE E3 Mundo de emociones/15
Preu Soci 23,63€
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The MAS SAVIA Project for Natural Science takes advantage of different tools and methodologies to motivatethe learning, understanding and application of the contents. The contents of each learning block are organized into three learning moments: Let's Get Started,Let's Understand and Let's use. Inserted between these are Make a Change (service-learning activities with many opportunities to work using co-operative strategies) in which both communicative and cognitive skills are put into practice. Many of the Let's Get Started and Let's Use sections take the form of experimental workshops. This general philosophy of promoting active learning is manifest in the final Making a Change task which integrates knowledge, skills and multiple intelligences. Natural Science takes the CLIL approach to making language and contents accessible with careful scaffolding of language and the visual summarizing of content. There are regular opportunities to review what has been learned. Attention to diversity is catered for by online testing which can give the teacher a clear and immediate evaluation of the class'sperformance by identifying students who may be having difficulties. Natural Science has been created in tandem with EPS: a new CLIL based English course for plurilingual primary schools which integrates closelywith the Natural Science learning paths
Preu Soci 9,59€
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Preu Soci 18,48€
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At SM we know that education stands for development.'Savia' means 'sap' in Spanish, and, just like plantsap, education nourishes, develops and generates life, and it is in constant renovation. Education is thenew sap that fuels the future.This is Savia: a globalproject designed for all educational stages underpinned by a solid model based on values education whereeverything revolves around the pupil and aims to improve their results by focusing on different learning rhythms and styles. The project emerges from our mission to service and help teachers, providing them withthe ideal resources to perform their everyday tasks.Savia reflects our commitment to education through the flexible introduction of new methodologies and technologies that can efficiently improve the quality ofeducation.These are Savia's educational roots:Everything revolves around the pupil: Pupils are the genuinefocus of this educational process. Each person perceives reality in a different, unique way. Savia provides the tools to introduce pupils to each topic smoothly, motivating them and respecting their pace and their individual learning style. This ensures effectiveresults.Support for the teacher: We have created Savia as a team effort, working with teachers to create acommon project. With them in mind, Savia integratespractical and effective resources that make their work easier in the classroom. In addition, the collaboration between SM and the teachers does not end when the book reaches the classroom. Thanks to a network ofpedagogical advisors, teachers can access direct support at their school at any given moment during the school year. This permanent exchange with teachers willalso help us constantly improve our materials.Commitment to education: Savia manifests the trust we placein the power of education to better society. Based on both methodological innovation and value education,Savia introduces pupils to an educational method adapted to their characteristics and to the requirementsdemanded by contemporary society.The keys to Savia:Understand first, then learn: Understanding is the keyto learning. With this in mind, Savia focuses on different mechanisms that help pupils internalise and integrate content: providing a context for contents, hands-on activities and experiential learning.Constructyour own learning style: Pupils start learning by performing hands-on activities. With this in mind, Savia provides teachers with plenty of age-appropriate resources adapted to the educational contents.Focus ondifferent learning rhythms and styles: Savia offers specific proposals that focus on diversity in each unit. The materials created with this diversity in mindand the specific programmes adapt the content to different learning levels and styles, enabling a customised education. Specific resources, proposed review, reinforcement and extension activities, test generatorand Saviadigital.Support for the teacher: Practical and effective resources that make their work easier inthe classroom: Essential guide, proposals and materials to help children learn through hands-on activities, tools to pursue quality education based on evaluation, Saviadigital and Back-Up Programme.Methodological innovation: Savia provides teachers with innovationprogrammes that can be implemented organically in regular classroom dynamics at the pace and with the scope established by each teacher and school: Cooperative learning, Learning to think and Multiple intelligences.Learn to live and to coexist: The Savia project promotes value education, granting it a key role in education. All units are conceptualized around a value,following a programme across the different stages.
Preu Soci 9,59€
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Llibre de text de Lanikai 3 Catala recomanat per l’assignatura de Religió Catòlica per al curs de 3r Primària amb una edat de 8 a 9 anys. Es un llibre de text de la editorial Vicens Vives, editat l’any 2019 amb el codi EAN 9788468222912. En aquest cas es tracta d'un llibre en format paper en Català.
Preu Soci 26,06€
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SPV E3 Religión/Nehorah
Preu Soci 12,71€
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EDBC E3 Català/Talentia
Preu Soci 48,86€
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Preu Soci 21,27€
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Llibre de text de Skyrocket 3 Student'S Pack recomanat per l’assignatura de Anglès per al curs de 3r Primària amb una edat de 8 a 9 anys. Es un llibre de text de la editorial Richmond, editat l’any 2020 amb el codi EAN 9788466832205. En aquest cas es tracta d'un llibre en format paper en Anglès Britanic.
Preu Soci 33,75€
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Llibre de text de 3Pri Comp Matematica 3D Cast Ed20 recomanat per l’assignatura de Matemàtiques per al curs de 3r Primària amb una edat de 8 a 9 anys. Es un llibre de text de la editorial Santillana, editat l’any 2020 amb el codi EAN 9788468027654. En aquest cas es tracta d'un llibre en format paper en Castella.
Preu Soci 21,33€
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EDB E3 Lengua/18
Preu Soci 48,86€
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Llibre de text de Llengua Quadern De Pràctiques 3 Bal recomanat per l’assignatura de Llengua Catalana per al curs de 3r Primària amb una edat de 8 a 9 anys. Es un llibre de text de la editorial Vicens Vives, editat l’any 2019 amb el codi EAN 9788468267340. En aquest cas es tracta d'un llibre en format paper en Català.
Preu Soci 17,46€
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Quadern Lengua Bloc 08 3º Primaria recomanat per Llengua Castellana per al curs de 3r Primària amb una edat recomanada de 8 a 9 anys. Es un quadern de la editorial Text, editat l’any 2011 amb el codi EAN 9788441215948. En aquest cas es tracta d'un quadern en format paper en Castella.
Preu Soci 8,04€
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¡Alégrate, llega NUEVO KAIRÉ! Un proyecto completo para primaria que se adapta al ritmo y a las necesidades de cada edad. Mantiene la calidad de los contenidosy la pedagogía religiosa, sin perder su carácter motivador y lúdico, que tanto te ayuda en tu clase. Kairé forma parte del proyecto Savia, un proyecto globalpara todas las etapas educativas sustentado en un sólido modelo de educación en valores, en cuyo eje estael alumno.Kairé asume el reto de una educación integral que transmite los contenidos del área de Religiónvinculándolos al mundo emocional del alumno. Podrás trabajar en profundidad los textos bíblicos y se propondrán actividades diversas para que cada alumno integre los contenidos a partir de sus propias capacidades.
Preu Soci 35,87€
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- Carefully planned and adapted for pupil's linguistic and musical capabilities.- A flexible approach adaptable to different levels.- Active learning through practical lessons with musicograms, karaokes and karaokegrams.- Includes 3 dances and 2 plays wit
Preu Soci 37,90€
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Llibre de text de Educació Física A L'Aula 3R Primària recomanat per l’assignatura de Educació Física per al curs de 3r Primària amb una edat de 8 a 9 anys. Es un llibre de text de la editorial Paidotribo, editat l’any 2013 amb el codi EAN 9788499101620. En aquest cas es tracta d'un llibre en format paper en Valencià.
Preu Soci 17,32€
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