Llibres d'anglès


RICH PR6 Maori Story
Preu Soci 12,16€
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Cambridge English for Engineering develops the communication skills and specialist English language knowledge of engineering professionals, enabling them to communicate more confidently and effectively with colleagues and customers. The ten standalone units cover topics common to all kinds of engineering (including civil, electrical and mechanical) such as procedures and precautions, monitoring and control, and engineering design. Authentic activities, from describing technical problems and suggesting solutions to working with drawings, make the course relevant and motivating.The course requires no specialist knowledge on the part of the teacher and comprehensive teacher's notesare available online. It is also ideal for self-study.
Preu Soci 37,90€
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Are you brave enough to read four of Poe's famous horror stories? Edgar Allan Poe wrote strange stories about terrible people and evil crimes. Don't read this book late at night!
Preu Soci 10,69€
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Preu Soci 26,50€
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Practice Tests Plus Practice Tests Plus familiarise learners with the task types, question formats and style of the test papers.Practice Tests Plus provide focused exam training to familiarise learners with the task types, question formats and style of the Cambridge Exam test papers. Key features: 100% in line with current Cambridge exams requirements, including 2020 exam Exam overview provides detailed information abouteach paper Guidance activities increase awareness about what each part of the exam is testing and scaffold the studentsÊ experience Tip strips provide strategies and hints on where to look and what to look for when responding to a question Grammar bank provides language input, support and practice on some key structures for the level Speaking bank provides useful language and extra practice for each part of the speakingtest Writing bank provides model answers, useful language and extra input to support the writing paper Speaking test video allows students to see how the speaking test is carried out Examiner feedback video aimsto highlight strengths and areas for improvement About the exam video gives information for the exam
Preu Soci 34,58€
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PEN NPR3 MP3 Martin Luther King
Preu Soci 10,69€
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SCHO T IELTS B1 B2/Reading
Preu Soci 40,37€
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Preu Soci 34,97€
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Actualització completa del text, incloent-hi l'adequació a les últimes normatives ortogràfiques alemanya icatalana, amb 800 entrades i accepcions noves i la incorporació de 95 articles de cultura alemanya explicats en català.Conté:· 56.000 entrades· 84.000 accepcions· 29.000 locucions, frases fetes, refranys i exemples d'ús· 1.100 noms de lloci de persona, històrics i mitològics· 95 articlesde cultura alemanya en català
Preu Soci 32,30€
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Preu Soci 12,49€
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Preu Soci 10,54€
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Pride and prejudice
-5% en Llibres

Austen, Jane

'He began to feel the danger of paying Elizabeth too much attention.''Pride and Prejudice , one of the most famous love stories of all time, has also proven itself as a treasured mainstay of the English literary canon. With the arrival of eligible young men in their neighbourhood, the lives of Mr. and Mrs. Bennet and their five daughters are turned inside out and upside down. Pride encounters prejudice, upward-mobility confronts social disdain, and quick-wittedness challenges sagacity. Misconceptions and hasty judgements bring heartache and scandal, buteventually lead to true understanding, self-knowledge, and love.It's almost impossible to open Pride and Prejudice without feeling the pressure of so many readers having known and loved this novel already. Will you fail the test - or will you love it too? As a story that celebrates more unflinchingly than any of Austen's other novels the happy meeting-of-true-minds, and one that has attracted the most fans over the centuries, Pride and Prejudice sets up an echo chamber of good feelings in which romantic love and the love of reading amplify eachother.
6,48€ Preu Soci 6,16€
6,84€ 6,50€
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Si estßs buscando un nuevo mΘtodo de enfrentarte a los ejercicios de inglΘs con toda la teorφa gramatical,vocabulario y audio incluidos en un mismo sitio, este es tu libro. Este primer libro explica y ofrece unacantidad sustancial de ejercicios orales en cada punto gramatical hasta el nivel intermedio. Todos los ejercicios son cronometrados, y tu objetivo serß superar el tiempo del hablante inglΘs nativo û esta presi≤na±adida reproduce una versi≤n mßs realista del dφa adφa. No es un libro con listas de traducciones, sinoque el objetivo es la agilidad û es lo mßs parecidoa una clase real en Vaughan que puedes conseguir en un libro!
Preu Soci 16,10€
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HNL Perspectives ADV/SB
Preu Soci 32,63€
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OUP OBL4 Cranford
Preu Soci 10,17€
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Preu Soci 8,93€
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Preu Soci 61,65€
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PEAR English for Nursing 1/SB pack
Preu Soci 34,01€
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Preposiciones en inglΘs que deberφas conocer es la guφa perfecta para aprender a usar correctamente las preposiciones. Estß divida en tres grandes secciones sobre las preposiciones: Time (tiempo), Movement (movimiento) and Place (lugar). Un libro dereferencia llenode trucos, consejos y ejercicios que harßn que seascapaz de conseguir el objetivo de dominar las preposiciones con soltura.
Preu Soci 9,45€
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El Curso de inglΘs definitivo se trata de un curso φntegramente dise±ado para estudiar por cuenta propia yen Θl se sintetizan las principales lφneas del sistema de ense±anza de Richard Vaughan.
Preu Soci 43,65€
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La segunda edición del Objective Proficiency ha sido adaptada para el nuevo modelo del examen Cambridge English: Proficiency (CPE) vigente a partir del año 2013. A través de un amplio abanico de temas este método ofrece una preparación exigente, convenien
Preu Soci 65,25€
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COL General Skills B1 Listening/+CD
Preu Soci 22,42€
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Preu Soci 33,34€
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Preu Soci 33,34€
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