Llibres en altres llengües

Preu Soci 11,40€
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Preu Soci 12,82€
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Preu Soci 12,44€
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This award-winning graded readers series is full of original fiction, adapted fiction and factbooks especially written for teenagers. Despite their very different backgrounds, two fifteen-year-olds are drawn together and discover that they share more than they hadever imagined. This is a rollercoaster of an adventure that takes us from Sark, a remote British island, to the busy modern city of Birmingham, England. This paperback is in British English. Download the completeaudio recording of this title and additional classroom resources at cambridge.org/experience-readers Cambridge Experience Readers get teenagers hooked on reading.
Preu Soci 12,25€
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Preu Soci 8,93€
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VV RT1 Recipe for Success
Preu Soci 12,49€
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OUP OBL2 Stories From The Heart/18
Preu Soci 9,45€
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Like many other schoolgirls, Malala enjoyed watchingTV, playing with her brothers, and laughing with herfriends. She loved going to school, too. But in her town in north-west Pakistan, the Taliban became very important after 2007, and they did not want girls to have an education. It was dangerous to speak against the Taliban, but Malala thought that everyone needed to go to school, and she was not afraid to talk aboutthis on the TV and in the newspapers. Because of this, on 9th October 2012, a man got onto Malala's school bus and shot her in the head. Malala did not die. She stayed in hospital for three months, in Pakistan and then in England. Now she was famous not just in Pakistan but around the world - and she wanted more than ever to fight for education for every child.
Preu Soci 9,45€
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English for the Teacher is a course which enables teachers to improve their language ability for a numberof purposes - using English in the classroom, makingprofessional contacts, reading about the teaching ofEnglish and discussions with colleagues and students.As well as providing language practice for the fourskills, it also invites teachers to comment on the learning value of what they are doing and thus discussand reflect on different ways of teaching and learning. In this way, it provides opportunities for more general professional development. * A short Introduction for users explains the basic principles underlyingthe material. * Each unit focuses on a theme from theworld of teaching. * Notes for Trainers give guidance on appropriate classroom methodology. *¦Guidance isprovided for self-study use.
Preu Soci 40,75€
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KLETT FT Grosse Knall in Frankfurt
Preu Soci 8,79€
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VVF FL1 Vilain petit canard
Preu Soci 7,12€
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SCHO SR2 Sherlock: Sign of Three
Preu Soci 12,92€
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HNL Wonderful World 1 2E
Preu Soci 27,93€
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OUP DOMQS Merlin/16
Preu Soci 11,48€
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OUP CT2 Sword in the Stone/Activity
Preu Soci 3,55€
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Vicens Vives

VVF La petite Sirène
Preu Soci 7,12€
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MCM MCR4 Lights, camera, action/19
Preu Soci 9,23€
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OUP DOM3 Mansfield Park/16
Preu Soci 13,59€
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COL Key Business Skills
Preu Soci 23,32€
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VV GA0 Sandokan
Preu Soci 11,87€
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OUP OBL3 Cup Of Kindness Stories/18
Preu Soci 10,67€
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OUP DOMQS Zombie Attack/16
Preu Soci 11,48€
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Preu Soci 12,92€
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CUP Business Start-up 2/Teacher's book
Preu Soci 29,35€
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  • Per a què serveix l'ISBN dels llibres de text i com el trobo?

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Si no trobes els llibres en el cercador a través del codi ISBN, tens dues opcions. La primera és buscar-los a través del cercador del centre educatiu; quan hi cliquis, veuràs tot el material necessari i les dates de venda dels lots. La segona opció és contactar directament amb Abacus. Per fer-ho, pots enviar-nos un email al correu electrònic que t'apareixerà en la cerca per escola o enviar-nos un missatge per WhatsApp.

El International Standar Book Number o ISBN és un número identificatiu únic i exclusiu per a cada llibre, que es crea amb la finalitat de localitzar cada edició d'una obra. Facilita la localització d'una versió concreta, així com la gestió comercial. Per trobar-lo, s'ha de mirar la contraportada, ja que sol aparèixer al costat del codi de barres. Si no hi apareix, pots utilitzar el cercador per centre educatiu d'Abacus o contactar directament amb nosaltres.