Novel·les d'humor

Naughty truth or dare (january)
-5% en Llibres
10,25€ 9,74€
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Harry potter talking sorting hat
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15,20€ 14,44€
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Fifty things that aren't my fault
-5% en Llibres
21,20€ 20,14€
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Strange planet: existence chronicle
-5% en Llibres

Pyle, Nathan W.

Based on the hit #1 New York Times bestselling series Strange Planet, this charming guided journal will feature the fascinating inhabitants of Nathan W. Pyle's colorful world in an exciting new format. Perfect for the holiday season.
15,50€ 14,72€
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Harry Potter wizard's wand with sticker
-5% en Llibres
15,20€ 14,44€
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Five escape brexit Island
-5% en Llibres

Vincent, Bruno

It is the night of the referendum and the Five have retired to Kirrin Island to enjoy the fresh air and sunshine, fed up with the rancour of public debate. George is firmly a 'remainer,' whilst Julian, who is in the 'Brexit' camp, is tolerated on the grounds that Anne cannot bear to go camping without him. (Timmy, largely apolitical but not keen on cats or rabbits, joins them too.)The night is tempestuous in more ways than one. George has managed to rig up a satellite link with the mainland so they can keep abreast of the news, and they sit huddled around the fire, amidst some tension, as George's initial hope that the 'remainers' will triumph proves premature . . .Meanwhile, a violent storm whips up. The damage is apparent as the new day dawns and George declares a new meaning for Brexit: Kirrin Island is exiting Britain. . . . that is until the red tape becomes too much of a challenge and their happy life together is under threat.
12,40€ 11,78€
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Jet lag
-5% en Llibres

Miralles, Francesc

Cada cop que ens enlairem desitgem que l'avió estigui en perfectes condicions, que el vol transcorri sense turbulències, que els empleats ens tractin amb amabilitat i -sobretot- que entre els passatgers no s'amagui cap desequilibrat. I la gran majoria de les vegades aquests desigs s'acompleixen, però... què passa quan no és així? Jet lag és el milor recull d'aventures, anècdotes i ensurts que han tingut lloc dins i fora del nostre país, tant dins dels avions com als aeroports. Benvingut a bord!
14,00€ 13,30€
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Shakespeare´s the tragedy of the sith´s revenge
-5% en Llibres
16,20€ 15,39€
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