Otros libros infantiles

Breathe. A Mindfulness story and follow-alog guide
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A beautifully illustrated, interactive story designed to teach children basic mindfulness skills.Dillon the Dog doesn't like noise! It makes him feel stressed and anxious. How can he learn to stay calm?Follow Dillon as he learns how to tune out the noise and fuss all around him, and stay calm and happy.
9,90€ 9,40€
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Shiny sounds: Things that go
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Discover 22 exciting sounds in this fun book! Featuring colourful scenes with awesome characters and lots of buttons to press, thisis the perfect introduction to vehicle sounds.
15,00€ 14,25€
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Don't Push the Button
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Cotter, Bill

From the amazing mind of author and illustrator Bill Cotter comes one of this year's best Christmas books for children!Larry the lovable monster from Don't Push the Button! is back for the holidays with another hilarious, interactive adventure in this toddler Christmas book! It's almost Christmas and Santa is coming! You don't want to end up on the naughty list, do you? With no elves in sight, Larry thinks he can get away with some last-minute holiday mischief before Santa arrives. Whatever you do―DON'T PUSH THE BUTTON!! Well, maybe just once can't hurt...uh oh! ''There's still monstrous fun to be had in Don't Push The Button''―Parenthood.com, Don't Push the Button! ''Kids have fun pushing the button, shaking the book, and scratching Larry's tummy. This is a winner for reading aloud to a group''―Atlanta Parent, Don't Push the Button!
9,59€ 9,11€
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-5% en Libros


Agenda de butxaca per a l'Església de Catalunya que contempla: - Guia de l'Església de Catalunya: Conferència Episcopal Catalana, Serveis diocesans i interdiocesans, i Cases d'espiritualitat de Catalunya. - Calendaris del 2024 i el 2025. - Plànning anual a doble pàgina. - Agenda amb quatre planes per setmana, amb comentaris per als diumenges i amb el número de setmana de la Litúrgia de les Hores. - Lectura continuada de la Bíblia per a cada dia de l'any. - Directori de telèfons personal.
7,75€ 7,36€
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The Legend of Zum
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Arnal, Txabi

Every ve years, a mysterious fog covered Zum for a whole night. At dawn the following morning, the fog would leave, taking with it: a song, the rst ower of the season and the most disobedient child of the village.
15,29€ 14,53€
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The Christmas Pig
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Rowling, J.K.

One boy and his toy are about to change everything...Jack loves his childhood toy, Dur Pig. DP has always been there for him, through good and bad. Until one Christmas Eve, something terrible happens - DP is lost. But Christmas Eve is a night for miracles and lost causes, a night when all things can come to life... even toys. And Jack's newest toy - the Christmas Pig (DP's annoying replacement) - has a daring plan: Together they'll embark on a magical journey to seek something lost, and to save the best friend Jack has ever known...A heartwarming page-turning adventure about one child's love for his most treasured thing, and how far he will go to find it. A tale for the whole family to fall in love with, from one of the world's greatest storytellers.Featuring 9 black and white spreads and decorative inside art from renowned illustrator, Jim Field.
14,95€ 14,20€
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Private peaceful
-5% en Libros

Morpurgo, Michael

- Novela infantil con la portada de la película de gran pantalla…- Morpurgo es el autor de ''War Horse'', convertida en película de gran pantalla por Steven Spielberg en 2011…- Morpurgo ha recibido númerosos premios, entre ellos Smarties Prize, Whitbread Award y Blue Peter Book Award
9,95€ 9,45€
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Petit Sàpiens 32 - Quin ritme!
-5% en Libros


La història del rockAvui hi ha moltíssims grups que fan música de tota mena. Tots ells són els hereus d&rsquo una explosió creativa que va començar fa una mica més de 100 anys. Us convidem a conèixer les arrels del rock i a descobrir com la música que agradava als joves va transformar els costums i la manera de veure el món!Text: Àlex Novials / Il·lustracions: Javigaar EDAT MITJANAEl camí de Sant JaumeSegur que molts de vosaltres heu sentit a parlar d&rsquo una gran caminada que acaba a la catedral de Santiago de Compostel·la, a Galícia. Us expliquem com va néixer, a l&rsquo edat mitjana, un dels pelegrinatges més importants del món sencer!Il·lustracions: Leire Salaberria CÒMIC / AUNIREmbolica que fa fort!La cap guerrillera Aunir intenta convèncer els seus compatriotes ibers que ha arribat l&rsquo hora de fer fora els invasors romans... però n&rsquo hi ha que no ho veuen gaire clar, tot plegat!Guió i dibuix: David Parcerisa CULTURES DEL MÓNEls boiximansAquests caçadors i recol·lectors han viscut al sud d&rsquo Àfrica des de fa desenes de milers d&rsquo anys, i són una de les cultures més antigues del planeta. Viatgem al desert de Kalahari per espiar-los!Il·lustracions: Rigelmoon CÒMIC / LA HISTÒRIA CADÀVERJean-Jacques RousseauAquest mes, en Bú i l&rsquo Ag reben la visita d&rsquo un filòsof il·lustrat que està convençut que totes les persones naixem bones, i que la vida en societat ens espatlla. Però en Bú no hi està d&rsquo acord...Guió i dibuix: Trepax NATURALa tortuga marinaEns capbussem per esbrinar tots els secrets d&rsquo un dels animals més al·lucinants del fons del mar, que corre greu perill de desaparèixer!CÒMIC / SEARCHING THE OGLALASConfinats!L&rsquo indi Tunweya s&rsquo ha hagut de quedar amb tots els nens de la tribu mentre els pares cacen búfals. Descobriu com s&rsquo ho fan per passar l&rsquo estona!Text: Oriol Canosa / Dibuix: Jordi Sunyer¿Te gustaría subscribirte a la revista Petit Sàpiens? No te pierdas ningún número.¡Subscríbete aquí!
3,75€ Precio socio 3,56€
3,95€ 3,75€
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Ozzy the Ostrich
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Andrés, José Carlos

Clémentine se encuentra un poco perdida y sumida en una maraña de dudas existenciales. En una excursión de fin de semana, termina quedandose tirada en una tienda singular en mitad del campo, lejos de todoà pero nunca tan cerca de encontrar lo que busca: respuestas a sus profundas dudas vitales. Las historias zen de Antoine, el incre¡ble tendero, la experiencia de Chantal, la escritora, y la visita de Thomas, el CEO-excursionista, cambiarán irrevocablemente la visión de Clémentine sobre la vida. Quién sabe si, por fin, ha encontrado su propio camino hacia la felicidad...Al añadirle ilustraciones, un público ávido de asomarse a los misterios del sexo las convirtió en auténticos best sellers.
20,00€ 19,00€
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The Ickabog
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Rowling, J.K.

The Ickabog is coming... A mythical monster, a kingdom in peril, an adventure that will test two children's bravery to the limit. Discover a brilliantly original fairy tale about the power of hope and friendship to triumph against all odds, from one of the world's best storytellers.The kingdom of Cornucopia was once the happiest in the world. It had plenty of gold, a king with the finest moustaches you could possibly imagine, and butchers, bakers and cheesemongers whose exquisite foods made a person dance with delight when they ate them.Everything was perfect - except for the misty Marshlands to the north which, according to legend, were home to the monstrous Ickabog. Anyone sensible knew that the Ickabog was just a myth, to scare children into behaving. But the funny thing about myths is that sometimes they take on a life of their own.Could a myth unseat a beloved king? Could a myth bring a once happy country to its knees? Could a myth thrust two children into an adventure they didn't ask for and never expected?If you're feeling brave, step into the pages of this book to find out...A beautiful hardback edition, perfect for sharing and gift-giving. Brought to life with full-colour illustrations by the young winners of The Ickabog Illustration Competition.
28,37€ 26,95€
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Petit Sàpiens 47 - Guifré el Pilós, un comte de llegenda
-5% en Libros


Li va tocar manar en una època força difícil, en plena edat mitjana. Quan el rei franc el va nomenar comtede Barcelona i Girona, els musulmans andalusins erenmolt poderosos... i no araven d’atacar les terres que ell havia de defensar! Però en Guifré va ser hàbil,i durant el seu temps els camperols van repoblar moltes zones del país que havien quedat deshabitades. Alfinal va morir en una batalla... però es va convertir en llegenda! Per a que puguin canviar el món, ajuda’ls a entendre’l!
3,75€ Precio socio 3,56€
3,95€ 3,75€
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Llauna d'edició limitada de la col·lecció de cartes col·leccionables Fantasy Riders, el Ressorgir dels Dracs de Panini. Cada llauna conté 2 sobres amb 12 cartes regulars i 3 cartes limitades. Mides de la llauna: 11 x 8 x 2,5 cm.
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Jardí, Enric

Look very closely because things are not always what they seem. Mr. Peep shows and explains more than 25 optical illusions to entertain children with amazing effects. From brightness and contrast,twisted cord, color and perspective to motion illusions in one single volume.
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ECOBLISTER 10 sobres Naruto Shippuden
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Histoire de France
-5% en Libros

Carpentier, Jean

17,25€ 16,39€
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Goodnight Everyone
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Haughton, Chris

From the multi award-winning picture book maker of A Bit Lost, Oh No, George! and Shh! We Have a Plan, comes the ultimate bedtime board book.A series of exquisitely coloured cut pages of increasing size introduce woodland families – bears, deer, rabbits and teeny, tiny mice – who are all beginning to feel really ... rather ... tired ... YAWN! ''Dear me,'' says Great Big Bear, ''it must be time for bed!'' But Little Bear is certainly not sleepy – he's wide awake! (For now...)With sublime, starry night time scenes and an infectious yawny ''Good night'' refrain, Chris Haughton creates a lulling bedtime read, perfect for parents and children to share together.
10,95€ 10,40€
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The Shine a Light: Human Body
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Brown, Carron

Discover the secrets of the human body with this beautiful new Shine-a-Light title. Children can see muscles flex as a football is kicked, watch food travel through the digestive system as an apple is eaten, and take a peek at the skeleton holding a small boy upright while his height is measured. Sleep, dreaming, growing, and illness are also included, along with many other secrets of the human body. The unique design of the book allows children to discover a “hidden“ image by holding the page up to a bright light, or shining a torch behind the page.
14,99€ 14,24€
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Rowley presenta una aventura superguay
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Kinney, Jeff

Una aventura de dimensiones épicas de la mano de Rowley, el mejor amigo de Greg ¡LA AVENTURA TE ESPERA! Roland y su mejor amigo Garg el Bárbaro deben abandonar la seguridad de su hogar para ir en busca de la madre de Roland, que ha caído en las manos del Hechicero Blanco. ¿Conseguirán nuestros héroes cumplir su misión con éxito? ¡Únete a ellos para vivir una aventura superguay!
15,95€ 15,15€
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-5% en Libros

Acevedo, Desirée

Un álbum ilustrado con el que recordar lo aprendido y vivido juntos durante el curso. Un libro para agradecer y recalcar la importancia de las personas que acompañan a los niños y niñas casi tantas horas al día como sus padres: ¡los profesores! Con páginas personalizables para apuntar recuerdos del año escolar. ¿Qué encontrarás en este libro?-Ilustraciones originales a color -Un texto sensible y repleto de cariño para agradecer a los profesores todas sus enseñanzas -Todas las razones por las que queremos y atesoramos para siempre la memoria de los profesores que han cambiado nuestras vidas
17,95€ 17,05€
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The way I feel
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Cain, Janan

Helping children identify and express their feelings in a positive manner is important for their social-emotional learning, developing empathy, and building resilience. Feelings are neither good nor bad, they simply are. Kids need words to name their feelings, just as they need words to name all things in their world.The Way I Feel uses strong, colorful, and expressive images which go along with simple verses to help children connect the word and the emotion. Children will learn useful words giving parents, teachers, and caregivers many chances to open conversations about what’s going on in their child’s life.
10,92€ 10,37€
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The Lightning Thief
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Riordan, Rick

7,85€ 7,46€
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Sr. Flat
-5% en Libros

Copons, Jaume

El Sr. Flat no pot viure sense llibres!Peluix oficial del Sr. Flat de la sèrie L'Agus i els monstres, dels autors Jaume Copons i Liliana Fortuny, la sèrie de novel·les gràfiques que desperta el gust per la lectura. El Sr. Flat ho sap tot dels llibres i, a més a més, els necessita per viure.
22,90€ 21,75€
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El hada de los volcanes / La fada dels volcans
-5% en Libros

Turu Sánchez, Joan

El hada de Tengo un volcán, acompaña el cuento para saber qué hacer con una emoción tan complicada, y a la vez tan habitual, como la rabia.
7,50€ 7,12€
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Pete the Cat I Love My White Shoes
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Litwin, Eric

Pete the Cat is off for a walk in his brand new white shoes, and he feels like singing. 'I love my white shoes...' But can he keep the music flowing if his shoes aren't so white any more?Pete the Cat is feeling good in his brand new white shoes, just walking along, singing his song. 'I love my white shoes, I love my white shoes...' Groovy! But when Pete steps in some strawberries, some blueberries, and some mud, his shoes aren't so white any more!But even without his white shoes, Pete the Cat is all good...Pete the Cat is a NYT bestselling character guaranteed to keep you feeling good, and with a free song, you can sing along too!
10,50€ 9,97€
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