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The great Gatsby
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Fitzgerald, Francis Scott

The Great Gatsby is a 1925 novel written by American author F. Scott Fitzgerald that follows a cast of characters living in the fictional towns of West Egg and East Egg on prosperous Long Island in the summer of 1922. The story primarily concerns the young and mysterious millionaire Jay Gatsby and his quixotic passion and obsession with the beautiful former debutante Daisy Buchanan. Considered to be Fitzgerald's magnum opus, The Great Gatsby explores themes of decadence, idealism, resistance to change, social upheaval and excess, creating a portrait of the Roaring Twenties that has been described as a cautionary tale regarding the American Dream.
29,50€ 28,02€
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The women of troy
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Barker, Pat

Troy has fallen and the victorious Greeks are eager to return home with the spoils of an endless war—including the women of Troy themselves. They await a fair wind for the Aegean.It does not come, because the gods are offended. The body of King Priam lies unburied and desecrated, and so the victors remain in suspension, camped in the shadows of the city they destroyed as the coalition that held them together begins to unravel. Old feuds resurface and new suspicions and rivalries begin to fester.Largely unnoticed by her captors, the one time Trojan queen Briseis, formerly Achilles's slave, now belonging to his companion Alcimus, quietly takes in these developments. She forges alliances when she can, with Priam's aged wife the defiant Hecuba and with the disgraced soothsayer Calchas, all the while shrewdly seeking her path to revenge.
14,17€ 13,46€
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And now for the good news
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Wax, Ruby

Bestselling author and comedian, Ruby Wax, uses her iconic wit and expertise to equip readers with a positive roadmap for a kinder, brighter world and better mental health.As we begin to see the green shoots of a post-pandemic world, Ruby Wax's clever and witty And Now for the Good News is the blueprint we all need for achieving a kinder, more compassionate world.Brimming with practical learnings, Ruby gives readers the opportunity to create lasting positive change and provides us all with a much-needed tonic for better mental health and wellbeing.She has spent the last three years speaking to the people who are spearheading the latest innovation and influencing a brighter future for humanity. From the communities being designed to eradicate loneliness and the companies putting their employees' happiness first, to the impressive AI technology teaching children with learning difficulties and taking literacy levels higher than ever before. And Now for the Good News distils her inspiring findings into key practical takeaways for all.Ruby's here to provide us all with a positive roadmap for a brighter world and most importantly, for better mental wellbeing.
14,17€ 13,46€
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Ernst Haeckel - 40th Anniversary Edition
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Willmann, Rainer

Ernst Haeckel (1834-1919) fue un biólogo, naturalista, evolucionista, artista, filósofo y doctor alemán, que dedicó su vida a la investigación de la flora y la fauna tanto de las cimas de las montañas más altas como de los océanos más profundos. Como ferviente partidario y estudioso de las teorías de la evolución de Darwin, denunció el dogma religioso, escribió tratados filosóficos, obtuvo un doctorado en zoología y acuñó términos científicos, ahora de uso común, como ecología, filo y célula madre.El inmenso legado de Haeckel ha fascinado, desconcertado y polarizado a varias generaciones. Pero ¿cuál era la esencia de la extraordinaria labor de su vida? Al igual que su predecesor intelectual, Alexander von Humboldt, Haeckel no sólo buscaba descubrimientos nuevos sino también explicaciones. Para lograr su objetivo, realizó cientos de dibujos, acuarelas y bosquejos detallados de sus hallazgos que publicó durante el siglo XX en una serie de volúmenes entre los que destacan diversas recopilaciones de organismos marinos y la majestuosa obra Kunstformen der Natur (Formas artísticas en la naturaleza), que bien podría ser el cimiento del proyecto de toda su vida.Como una meticulosa enciclopedia visual de seres vivos, la obra de Haeckel destaca tanto por su precisión gráfica y su detallado sombreado como por su comprensión de la evolución orgánica. De murciélagos a cubozoos, de lagartijas a líquenes, pasando por patas de araña o anémonas marinas, hizo especial hincapié en las simetrías básicas y el orden natural descubriendo belleza biológica incluso en las criaturas más insospechadas. Las láminas, además de suponer un avance en el estudio de la historia natural, ejercieron una influencia en varias generaciones de artistas y arquitectos del siglo XX, desde defensores del modernismo a arquitectos como Hendrik Petrus Berlage.Este libro rinde homenaje a la importancia científica, artística y medioambiental de la obra de Haeckel con una colección de láminas extraídas de varios de sus tomos más importantes sobre biología marina, incluidos Die Radiolarien, Monographie der Medusen, Die Kalkschwämme y Kunstformen der Natur. En un momento en el que la biodiversidad está cada vez más amenazada por las actividades humanas, este volumen es, al mismo tiempo, una obra maestra visual, una exploración submarina y un vívido recordatorio de la hermosa diversidad de la vida.Sobre la serie¡TASCHEN ya tiene 40 años! Desde que iniciáramos nuestra labor de arqueólogos culturales en 1980, TASCHEN se ha convertido en sinónimo de ediciones accesibles, y ayuda a devoradores de libros de todo el mundo a crear su propia biblioteca de arte, antropología y erotismo a un precio inmejorable. Hoy celebramos 40 años de libros magníficos manteniéndonos fieles al credo de nuestra empresa. La serie 40th Anniversary Edition reúne a algunas de las estrellas de nuestro catálogo en ediciones accesibles: más compactas y a mejor precio pero con el mismo compromiso con una producción impecable.
25,00€ 23,75€
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Garden at Eichstätt
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Littger, Klaus Walter

Este libro constituye un fantástico documento gráfico de las flores cultivadas en el jardín alemán másimportante de su época, el Hortus Eystettensis, únicoen su género por la amplia gama de flores.Untotal de 367 grabados en lámina de cobre de BasiliusBesler (1561-1629), que se publicaron por primera vezen 1613, ilustran la espectacular diversidad vegetalde los espacios verdes del palacio del príncipe-obispo Johann Konrad von Gemmingen (1593/1595-1612) en Eichstätt, Baviera (Alemania). Las minuciosas ilustraciones se distribuyen en función de la estación del añoy, siguiendo el sistema de clasificación actual, muestran plantas que pertenecen a un total de 90 familias y 340 géneros. En su conjunto, la colección es considerada uno de los tesoros más refinados de la literatura botánica. El mítico Carlos Linneo, experto en lamateria y zoólogo del siglo XVIII, la describió comouna &#x0201C,obra incomparable&#x0201D,.El catálogo gráfico de Besler ha perdurado en el tiempo más allá de los propios jardines, destruidos en 1634 por tropas invasoras suecas durante la Guerra de los Treinta Años. El precio de salida en subasta de una primera edición del Hortus Eystettensis supera actualmente el medio millón de dólares. Con esta edición, TASCHEN abre las puertas de este tesoro vegetal a un público mucho más amplio. Un documento exquisito y admirable, referencia de todo jardín esplendoroso.Sobre la serieBibliotheca Universalis &#x02013, Compañeros culturales en formato compacto paracelebrar el universo ecléctico de TASCHEN.
20,00€ 19,00€
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Jazz Covers
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Wiedemann, Julius

Esta impactante e innovadora colección de portadas de jazz presenta los diseños que definieron un sonido. El libro reproduce portadas de discos de la década de 1940 hasta principios de la de 1990, cada una acompañada de información general básica. Estas obras artísticas para álbumes, que incluyen fotografías e ilustraciones, representan la unión de la música y el diseño, y conforman una extraordinaria historia del jazz.
25,00€ 23,75€
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Don Quixote of la Mancha in spanglish
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Cervantes, Miguel de

Publisheado originalmente en two partes en 1605 y 1615 y often considereado “the first novela moderna,” Don Quixote de Miguel de Cervantes es indudablemente el libro más influencial del canon literario hispánico. En esta adaptación groundbreakeadora, el comentarista cultural Ilan Stavans y el ilustrador Roberto Weil reimaginan la masterpiece de Cervantes en ways que son a la vez faithfules y whimsicamente irreverentes.En estas páginas, Stavans y Weil payean tributo a la novela de Cervantes así como a sus resonancias complexas en los centuries desde su publicación. El dauntlesseado “mad knight” Don Quixote y su haplesseado squire, Sancho Panza, encuentran los infamosos molinos de viento, contendean con campesinos y nobles disbelieveadores, y seekean relentlesmente al amor imaginario de Don Quixote, Dulcinea. También confrontean a sus propios creadores y adaptadores―Cervantes, Salvador Dalí, Franz Kafka y los propios Stavans y Weil―y tratan de hacer sense de la locura de los drones, taxis y su propia inmortalidad. El resultado es una novela gráfica ambiciosa y compelleante que revela a Don Quixote as “un libro infinito”―una obra que reflectea el pasado, presente y futuro de la condición humana.Availeable en Inglés y Spanglish, esta adaptación inspirada y audaz de una de las great novelas ever escritas seguramente será savoreada por generaciones to come.
26,95€ 25,60€
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Judas horse
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La Plante,Lynda

The brand new Detective Jack Warr thriller from the Queen of Crime Drama, Lynda La Plante - now available in hardback, eBook and audiobook. 'Do you know what a Judas Horse is? When the wild mustangs are running free, you corral one and train it. When he's ready, you release him and he'll bring his team back into the corral - like Judas betraying them...'Violent burglars have been terrorising residents across the English countryside.But when a mutilated body is discovered in a Cotswolds house, it becomes clear that this is no ordinary group of opportunist thieves. As Detective Jack Warr investigates, he discovers locals with dark secrets, unearths hidden crimes - and hits countless dead ends. With few leads and the violent attacks escalating, he will have to act as audaciously as the criminals if he hopes to stop them.
12,75€ 12,11€
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From notting hill to new york actually
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Mcnamara, Niall

Scarlett O'Brien, utterly addicted to romantic films, has found her leading man. She's convinced Sean is Mr Right, but the day-to-day reality of a relationship isn't quite like the movies. With Sean constantly away on business, Scarlett and her new best friend Oscar decide to head to New York for the holiday of a lifetime.From one famous landmark to the next, Scarlett and Oscar make many new friends during their adventure - including sailors in town for Fleet Week, a famous film star, and Jamie & Max, a TV reporter and cameraman. Scarlett finds herself strangely drawn to Jamie, they appear to have much in common: a love of films and Jamie's search for a parent he never knew.But Scarlett has to ask herself why she is reacting like this to another man when she's so in love with Sean...
12,75€ 12,11€
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The art of war
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Tzu, Sun

Chiltern Publishing creates the most beautiful editions of the World's finest literature. Your favourite classic titles in a way you have never seen them before, the tactile layers, fine details and beautiful colours of these remarkable covers make these titles feel extra special and will look striking on any shelf. This book has matching lined and blank journals (sold separately) . They make a great gift when paired together but are also just as beautiful on their own. The Art of War By Sun Tzu is an ancient Chinese military treatise dating from the Late Spring and Autumn Period (roughly 5th century BC). The work, which is attributed to the ancient Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu (''Master Sun'', also spelled Sunzi), is composed of 13 chapters. Each one is devoted to an aspect of warfare and how it applies to military strategy and tactics. For almost 1,500 years it was the lead text in an anthology that was formalised as the Seven Military Classics by Emperor Shenzong of Song in 1080. The Art of War remains the most influential strategy text in East Asian warfare and has influenced both Eastern and Western military thinking, business tactics, legal strategy, lifestyles and beyond.
29,50€ 28,02€
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Peter Pan
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Barrie, James Matthew

Chiltern Publishing creates the most beautiful editions of the World’s finest literature.Your favorite classic titles in a way you have never seen them before, the tactile layers, fine details and beautiful colors of these remarkable covers make these titles feel extra special and will look striking on any shelf.Peter Pan is a free-spirited and mischievous young boy who can fly and never grows up, Peter spends his never-ending childhood having adventures on the mythical island of Neverland as the leader of the Lost Boys, interacting with fairies, pirates, mermaids, Native Americans, and occasionally ordinary children from the world …
29,50€ 28,02€
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A calling for Charlie Barnes
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Ferris, Joshua

Named a best book of the year by NPR, Vogue, and the New York Times Book Review, the hilarious and profound new novel from National Book Award finalist Joshua Ferris is “a fine American novel about family, love, and a decent but flawed man trying to be better (Stephen King). Someone is telling the story of the life of Charlie Barnes, and it doesn't appear to be going well. Too often divorced, discontent with life's compromises and in a house he hates, this lifelong schemer and eternal romantic would like out of his present circumstances and into the American dream. But when the twin calamities of the Great Recession and a cancer scare come along to compound his troubles, his dreams dwindle further, and an infinite past full of forking paths quickly tapers to a black dot.Then, against all odds, something goes right for a change: Charlie is granted a second act. With help from his storyteller son, he surveys the facts of his life and finds his true calling where he least expects it—in a sacrifice that redounds with selflessness and love—at last becoming the man his son always knew he could be.A Calling for Charlie Barnes is a profound and tender portrait of a man whose desperate need to be loved is his downfall, and a brutally funny account of how that love is ultimately earned.
12,75€ 12,11€
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Burn after writing
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Jones, Sharon

Instagram, WhatsApp, Snapchat, TikTok, VSCO, YouTube...the world has not only become one giant feed, but also one giant confessional. Burn After Writing allows you to spend less time scrolling and more time self-reflecting. Through incisive questions and thought experiments, this journal helps you learn new things while letting others go. Imagine instead of publicly declaring your feelings for others, you privately declared your feelings for yourself?Help your heart by turning off the comments and muting the accounts that drive you into jealousy for a few moments a night. Whether you are going through the ups and downs of growing up, or know a few young people who are, you will flourish by finding free expression - even if through a few tears!Push your limits, reflect on your past, present, and future, and create a secret book that's about you, and just for you. This is not a diary, and there is no posting required. And when you're finished, toss it, hide it, or Burn After Writing.
14,17€ 13,46€
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Madame Bovary
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Flaubert, Gustave

Madame Bovary takes place in provincial northern France, near the town of Rouen in Normandy. Charles Bovary is a shy, oddly dressed teenager arriving at a new school where his new classmates ridicule him. Charles struggles his way to a second-rate medical degree and becomes an Officier de santé in the Public Health Service. He marries the woman his mother has chosen for him, the unpleasant but supposedly rich widow Héloïse Dubuc. He sets out to build a practice in the village of Tôtes. One day, Charles visits a local farm to set the owner's broken leg and meets his patient's daughter, Emma Rouault. Emma is a beautiful, poetically dressed young woman who has received a good education in a convent. She has a powerful yearning for luxury and romance inspired by reading popular novels. Charles is immediately attracted to her, and visits his patient far more often than necessary, until Héloïse's jealousy puts a stop to the visits. When Héloïse unexpectedly dies, Charles waits a decent interval before courting Emma in earnest. Her father gives his consent, and Emma and Charles marry.
29,50€ 28,02€
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What if we stopped pretending
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Franzen, Jonathan

The climate crisis is here. Our chance to stop it has come and gone, but this doesn’t have to mean the world is ending.‘If you care about the planet, and about the people and animals who live on it, there are two ways to think about this. You can keep on hoping that catastrophe is preventable, and feel ever more frustrated or enraged by the world’s inaction. Or you can accept that disaster is coming, and begin to rethink what it means to have hope.’The honesty and realism of Jonathan Franzen’s writings on climate have been widely denounced and just as widely celebrated. Here, in his definitive statement on the subject, Franzen confronts the world’s failure to avert destabilising climate change and takes up the question: Now what?
11,34€ 10,77€
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World teacher special agent in another world
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Koichi, Neko

Sirius was the best secret agent the world had ever seen. But after being killed in action to save his comrades, he is reborn in a strange new world. Literally!The only regret from his previous life was that he didn?t get to see his students grow up. So, with his knowledge and experience from his previous life, Sirius sets out anew to travel this strange world, changing the lives of those he meets along the way!To some he?s a beloved teacher, to others he?s a strong role model, or even a crush!?If you have nothing to lose, then come with me. I?ll teach you how to live again.?The once strongest secret agent will now travel the world with his students! His journey has only just begun?
13,99€ 13,29€
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Unreliable momoirs
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James, Clive

A best-selling classic around the world, Clive James’s hilarious memoir has long been unavailable in the United States.Before James Frey famously fabricated his memoir, Clive James wrote a refreshingly candid book that made no claims to be accurate, precise, or entirely truthful, only to entertain. In an exercise of literary exorcism, James set out to put his childhood in Australia behind him by rendering it as part novel, part memoir. Now, nearly thirty years after it first came out in England, Unreliable Memoirs is again available to American readers and sure to attract a whole new generation that has, through his essays and poetry, come to love James’s inimitable voice.
14,17€ 13,46€
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The nothing
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Kureishi, Hanif

Waldo, a fêted filmmaker, is confined by old age and ill health to his London apartment. Frail and frustrated, he is cared for by his lovely younger wife, Zee. But when he suspects that Zee is beginning an affair with Eddie, more than an acquaintance and less than a friend for over thirty years, Waldo is pressed to action: determined to expose the couple, he sets himself first to prove his suspicions correct ― and then to enact his revenge.Written with characteristic black humor and with an acute eye for detail, Kureishi’s eagerly awaited novella will have his readers dazzled once again by a brilliant mind at work.
10,20€ 9,69€
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The night watchman
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Erdrich, Louise

Based on the extraordinary life of National Book Award-winning author Louise Erdrich’s grandfather who worked as a night watchman and carried the fight against Native dispossession from rural North Dakota all the way to Washington, D.C., this powerful novel explores themes of love and death with lightness and gravity and unfolds with the elegant prose, sly humor, and depth of feeling of a master craftsman.
14,17€ 13,46€
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Cyrano de Bergerac clasicos
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Rostand, Edmond

The inspiration for the musical film adaptation starring Peter Dinklage and directed by Joe Wright.Poet and soldier, brawler and charmer, Cyrano de Bergerac is desperately in love with Roxane, the most beautiful woman in Paris. But there is one very large problem – he has a nose of stupendous size and believes she will never see past it to return his feelings. So when he discovers that the handsome but tongue-tied Christian is also pining for Roxane, generous Cyrano offers to help by writing exquisite declarations of love for the young man to woo her with. Will she ever recognize who she is really falling in love with? Set during the reign of Louis XIII, Rostand’s Cyrano de Bergerac (1897) was one of the great theatrical successes of its time and remains as popular today for its dramatic power and, above all, for its complicated and romantic story of unrequited love.
12,75€ 12,11€
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Peppa in space
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It's space day at playgroup and Peppa, George and their friends are learning all about the moon. The children are so excited when Madame Gazelle takes them to the space museum to learn how to be real astronauts! Peppa loves jumping up and down on the moon!Celebrate the 50th anniversary of Apollo 11 landing on the moon and introduce space to your little piggies in this sparkly Peppa Pig picture book.
9,92€ 9,42€
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Dark in death
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Robb, J.D.

There's always a reason for murder. But when a young actress is killed in a swift and violent attack at a cinema screening, that reason is hard to fathom - even for Lieutenant Eve Dallas and her team. It's only when bestselling crime writer Blaine DeLano arrives at the precinct that the shocking truth is revealed. Someone is recreating the murder scenes from her latest series, book by book. With six more novels left in the series, Eve now knows how the killer will strike next. But why has DeLano been targeted? Could her abusive husband be involved? As fiction is transformed into bloody reality, Eve will need all her skill and experience to solve this unique case. Luckily for her, husband Roarke happens to be a fan of Delano's work. And he's more than happy to work side by side with his brilliant wife - no matter how dark things become...
12,75€ 12,11€
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All the broken places
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Boyne, John

When is a monster's child culpable? Guilt and complicity are multifaceted. John Boyne is a maestro of historical fiction. You can't prepare yourself for the magnitude and emotional impact of this powerful novel' John Irving 'Exceptional, layered and compelling...This books moves like a freight train, with force and consequence for the reader' Amy Bloom From the author of the globally bestselling, multi-million-copy classic, The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas, comes its astonishing and powerful sequel. Ninety-one-year-old Gretel Fernsby has lived in the same mansion block in London for decades. She leads a comfortable, quiet life, despite her dark and disturbing past. She doesn't talk about her escape from Germany over seventy years before. She doesn't talk about the post-war years in France with her mother. Most of all, she doesn't talk about her father, the commandant of one of the most notorious Nazi concentration camps.
22,11€ 21,00€
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The hate you give
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Thomas, Angie

Sixteen-year-old Starr Carter moves between two worlds: the poor neighborhood where she lives and the fancy suburban prep school she attends. The uneasy balance between these worlds is shattered when Starr witnesses the fatal shooting of her childhood best friend Khalil at the hands of a police officer. Khalil was unarmed.Soon afterward, his death is a national headline. Some are calling him a thug, maybe even a drug dealer and a gangbanger. Protesters are taking to the streets in Khalil’s name. Some cops and the local drug lord try to intimidate Starr and her family. What everyone wants to know is: what really went down that night? And the only person alive who can answer that is Starr.But what Starr does—or does not—say could upend her community. It could also endanger her life.
29,68€ 28,20€
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