A partir de 12 años

Momotaro: en Xander i l'illa dels monstr
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Dilloway, Margaret

En Xander no és un noi com els altres. A l&#x02019 escola l&#x02019 assenyalen pel seu origen japonès, i el seu talent per dibuixar còmics el fa destacar de la resta. El que ell encara no sap és que és molt especial.Un dia comença a dibuixar figu
14,50€ 13,77€
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La casa de la por
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Fernández Paz, Agustín

Trobar els objectes de l’estoig va ser suficient per trencar totes les barreres que mantenien reprimits els records. Els murs van saltar amb violència i, com un tsunami, vaig rememorar els fets que havia oblidat des de l’adolescència. Un tsunami de records, els mateixos que acabo d’explicar durant les hores d’aquesta nit. Els que ningú creuria, si algun dia arriben a divulgar-se. Només jo sé que van ser reals, tan reals com el sol que surt en aquest moment per l’horitzó o com els fulls groguencs de la llibreta en què escric aquestes últimes paraules de la meva confessió.
12,70€ 12,06€
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Harry Potter and the prisoner of azkaban
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Rowling, J.K.

Return to Hogwarts in this stunning edition of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. J.K. Rowling’s complete and unabridged text is accompanied by full¬-colour illustrations on nearly every page and eight paper-engineered interactive elements. Readers are invited to explore the Knight Bus, reveal the Grim in a teacup, spin the Time-Turner and more!
46,75€ 44,41€
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Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets
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Rowling, J.K.

Prepare to be dazzled by this new edition of J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, designed and illustrated by MinaLima. With over 150 full-colour illustrations and eight exclusive, interactive paper-engineered elements, readers can travel via the Floo Network, encounter the Whomping Willow, reveal the spiral staircase to Dumbledore's office and even pull Mandrakes from their pots!
39,25€ 37,29€
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Becoming: a young reader´s edition
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Obama, Michelle

Michelle Robinson was born on the South Side of Chicago. From her modest beginnings, she would become Michelle Obama, the inspiring and powerful First Lady of the United States, when her husband, Barack Obama, was elected the forty-fourth president. They would be the first Black First Family in the White House and serve the country for two terms.Growing up, Michelle and her older brother, Craig, shared a bedroom in their family’s upstairs apartment in her great-aunt’s house. Her parents, Fraser and Marian, poured their love and energy into their children. Michelle’s beloved dad taught his kids to work hard, keep their word, and remember to laugh. Her mom showed them how to think for themselves, use their voice, and be unafraid.But life soon took her far from home. With determination, carefully made plans, and the desire to achieve, Michelle was eager to expand the sphere of her life from her schooling in Chicago. She went to Princeton University, where she learned what it felt like to be the only Black woman in the room. She then went to Harvard Law School, and after graduating returned to Chicago and became a high-powered lawyer. Her plans changed, however, when she met and fell in love with Barack Obama.From her early years of marriage, and the struggle to balance being a working woman, a wife, and the mom of two daughters, Michelle Obama details the shift she made to political life and what her family endured as a result of her husband’s fast-moving political career and campaign for the presidency. She shares the glamour of ball gowns and world travel, and the difficulties of comforting families after tragedies. She managed to be there for her daughters’ swim competitions and attend plays at their schools without catching the spotlight, while defining and championing numerous initiatives, especially those geared toward kids, during her time as First Lady.Most important, this volume for young people is an honest and fascinating account of Michelle Obama’s life led by example. She shares her views on how all young people can help themselves as well as help others, no matter their status in life. She asks readers to realize that no one is perfect, and that the process of becoming is what matters, as finding yourself is ever evolving. In telling her story with boldness, she asks young readers: Who are you, and what do you want to become?
19,55€ 18,57€
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The tales of beedle the bard (illustrated)
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Rowling, J.K.

The dazzlingly brilliant Chris Riddell brings his magical illustration talents to J.K. Rowling's gloriously inventive The Tales of Beedle the Bard in a fully illustrated colour edition of this essential classic for Harry Potter fans.
31,00€ 29,45€
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White bird: a novel (film)
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Palacio, R. J.

From the bestselling author of Wonder comes White Bird: now a major film starring Ariella Glaser, Orlando Schwerdt, Bryce Gheisar, Helen Mirren and Gillian Anderson.Sara Blum lives an idyllic life. But her world comes crashing down when the Nazi occupation arrives in her small French town, separating her from her parents and forcing the young Jewish girl into hiding. Sara's classmate Julien and his family will risk everything to ensure her survival, and together, Sara and Julien manage to find beauty in a secret world of their creation.Originally published as a graphic novel, and featuring characters from the multi-million-copy-bestselling phenomenon Wonder, Sara and Julien's powerful, heartbreaking and timeless story is told here for the first time as a novel, and shows the power of kindness to change hearts, build bridges, and even save lives in the darkest of times.
12,00€ 11,40€
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Ninja Kid 12 - Hipno-ninja cat
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Do, Anh

Arriba una nova història de Ninja Kid, la sèrie supervendes amb més de dos milions de lectors.L’àvia del Nelson ha creat un nou superinvent: un anell HIPNOTITZADOR! Però quan el Nelson i el cosí Kenny porten l’anell a classe, el malvat Doctor Kane aconsegueix robar-lo i hipnotitzar TOTA L’ESCOLA. Seran capaços el Nelson i el Kenny de recuperar l’anell i DESHIPNOTITZAR els seus companys?
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Resol el misteri! 5 - La maledicció del vaixell fantasma
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Magaziner, Lauren

La nova entrega de la sèrie de misteri número 1, amb més de 100.000 exemplars venuts!Un vaixell fantasma apareix cada any davant la costa d'un petit poble i sempre l'acompanyen la mala sort i les supersticions. Però aquest any, sembla que a l'illa hi ha alguna cosa més enllà dels fantasmes: turistes que apareixen a la platja sense records, vaixells que s'incendien al port i crits i laments que venen del far abandonat… Quan l'Eliza, el Frank i la seva família es converteixen en víctimes d'aquests estranys fets, ha arribat el moment d'investigar. Podràs ajudar en Carlos i els seus amics a trobar el culpable i a resoldre aquest misteri fantasmal?
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Ulysses Moore: el laberinto de sombras
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Baccalario, Pierdomenico

14,96€ 14,21€
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Drac de Jade, El
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Martín, Esteban

5,95€ 5,65€
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Últim truc de màgia, L'
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Romero Soler, Maribel

10,50€ 9,97€
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Mort a dos-cents deu, La
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Cervera, Jordi

10,20€ 9,69€
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Qui somiaven la lluna, Els
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Nessmann, Philippe

«10 segons... 9... 8... 7... 6... Ignició!... 4... 3... 2... 1... 0... Enlairament! Cent metres més avall, els motors del coet estan a tota potència. En sento el terrible tremolor per tot el cos.» A la dècada de 1960, uns homes excepcionals fan realitat u
10,50€ 9,97€
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Verdadero final de la Bella Durmiente, E
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Matute, Ana María

Verdadero final de la Bella Durmiente, El
14,95€ 14,20€
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Corona d'Alexandre, La
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Martín, Esteban

5,95€ 5,65€
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Sóc una màquina
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Sierra i Fabra, Jordi

10,75€ 10,21€
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Vendedor de noticias, El
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Olaizola, José Luis

Sobrevivir en la sociedad feudal no era nada fácil y para muchos la guerra se convertía en el único medio de vida. La categoría másínfima que vivía a costa de las guerras era la de los vendedores de noticias, un oficio en extremo peligroso. Pero a Sebast
8,95€ 8,50€
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Geek Girl 3. Genio y fotogenia
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Smale, Holly

Harriet Manner sabe que:    * Nueva York es la ciudad más poblada de los Estados Unidos.    * La gente de allí la llama «la gran manzana».    * Un 27% de los estadounidenses duda de la llegada del hombre a la luna. Pero no tiene ni idea de cómo se adaptar
0,52€ 0,49€
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El cuerpo deshabitado
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Menéndez-Ponte, María

Aldara es una adolescente que parece tenerlo todo para sentirse a gusto: una vida acomodada, una inteligencia fuera de lo común y, por encima de todo, un sueño, ser actriz. Pero no cuenta con lo más importante: el valor para saber quererse tal y como es.
10,75€ 10,21€
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Els vampirs no creuen en Flanagans
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Martín, Andreu

Si més no, quan fa sol i els ocells canten dalt dels arbres. Però... ¿i de nit, sol en un castell en ruïnes, en una contrada famosa per la seva collita de cadàvers dessagnats? Afegiu a això un seguit de crims desconcertants, un pijo que li vol prendre
11,95€ 11,35€
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Brahe i Kepler. El misteri d'una mort in
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Gil, Mª Pilar

A Praga, al principi del segle XVII, dos homes treballen junts per desentranyar els misteris de l'Univers. Un d'ells és l'astrònom Tycho Brahe. L'altre, el seu deixeble, el matemàtic Johannes Kepler. Quan Brahe mori en estranyes circumstàncies, una remeie
10,50€ 9,97€
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Malka Mai
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Pressler, Mirjam

13,95€ 13,25€
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Moneda perdida, La
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Roca, M. Carme

9,95€ 9,45€
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